Chieh Li

Mixing | Mastering

Chieh Li on SoundBetter

Accurate process, fast delivery. Big, wide, and clear mixing & mastering

Chieh Li is a record producer, mixer, singer, songwriter, arranger and guitarist from Taichung City, Taiwan. He began learning and recording music since 2006, so far he has completed and released four independent albums and several digital EP.

In 2015, Chieh started focusing on audio mixing engineering for his music work. Finally, he combines all the knowledge & experiences he earned for years and becomes an musician who has the ability to complete the whole music production from songwriting, recording, to mixing and mastering engineering.

Currently Chieh works in his private studio - Majin Records.



Mixing - USD $10 per track
- The price will add up till USD $500 for song is over 50 tracks.
- Ex: If the project has 75 tracks, I will count it as USD $500.

Mastering - USD $100 per track
Each project I will give you 3 sound level mastering versions for different platform:
- Digital Streaming (Apple Music/ iTunes/ Spotify/ Tidal etc.)
- YouTube Music Video
- Master CD


For more studio/gear info:

I'd love to hear about your project. Click the 'Contact' button above to get in touch.

Mix & Mas Sample Reel (2020)

I was the Mixing and Mastering Engineer in this production

Gear Highlights
  • PSI A17M | Yamaha MSP3 | RME UFX | ADI2-DAC | Studio One Pro | ProTools | Logic X
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