Arkatek Music

Music Producer, Remote Mixing

Arkatek Music on SoundBetter

Arkatek Music is a professional music services company that specializes in custom beat making and music production. We offer songs and instrumentals for film and advertising and focus on providing affordable music solutions.

We offer a diverse catalog of music intsrumentals as well as custom music production for songwriters, singers, and film supervisors. We also offer mixing and mastering services through our partners at Coyer Style Studio. Songwriting and demo services also available.

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Interview with Arkatek Music

  1. Q: Can you share one music production tip?

  2. A: I don't know if this is a production tip but my tip would be to save your work, save your work often, and know where you are saving it.

  3. Q: What type of music do you usually work on?

  4. A: Mostly R&B, Hip-Hop, and Pop. We have worked on some EDM but our main focus is on what we feel the most passionate about.

  5. Q: What's your strongest skill?

  6. A: The ability to interpret what others that may or may not know what they are looking for and bringing their vision to life.

  7. Q: What do you bring to a song?

  8. A: Passion, Focus, and Attention to detail.

  9. Q: What's your typical work process?

  10. A: Tricky question. The process is never the same. We have some clients that know exactly what they want. They will have their lyrics and/or a rough demo for us to start with. If we have a demo or an ideal in place we try to get into the mind of the songwriter and figure out the story they are trying to tell and build from there. If we are just vibing in the studio we may start with a solid rhythm section and build around it or their may be an interesting piano or synth that we come across that sparks the creativity.

  11. Q: Tell us about your studio setup.

  12. A: We are huge Logic Pro X users. Production is handled on a I7 Mac fully loaded. We utilize a lot of Native Instrument VSTs. Focusrite Rednet interface which has great AD/DA conversion. We have a selection of microphones for live instruments.

  13. Q: What other musicians or music production professionals inspire you?

  14. A: I have always been able to appreciate all forms of musical expression. There are so many inspirations across so many genres it would be hard to put into words.

  15. Q: Describe the most common type of work you do for your clients.

  16. A: Music Production is the primary service. We work on several demos for songwriters as well as production for R&B and Hip-Hop artist.


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