David Hughes

Remote Mixing & Mastering

4 Reviews (2 Verified)
David Hughes on SoundBetter

Music that shines and rises to the top. I put my heart and soul into every mix and make the music sing a passion that everyone can hear. Every song has a message and my goal is to make sure that message is heard with clarity.

Dynamics are my key elements for a great mix. I have worked with some extremely talented musicians over the past 20 years and found that I like mixes that pull me into the music. That's my focus when I'm at the console and working on a mix. I invested time and money in a pair of custom converters for my Pro Tools HD rig. These bad boys are the real deal and give me pristine audio to mix. Paired with my analog gear and my Adam A77x monitors, I get the sound my clients want every time.

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4 Reviews

Endorse David Hughes
  1. Review by D A.
    by D A.

    Amazing to work with!

  2. Review by antsgon909

    Best mixer I’ve ever worked with! Was so patient, and even scheduled some zoom meetings so we could discuss our vision further with the track! Mix sounds great!

  3. Review by Zach Williams
    by Zach Williams

    I use Shine on Studio exclusively for all of my recording projects since discovering the studio in 2015. David, the lead engineer and producer, is one of the industries best, and is constantly updating his studio to harness the highest quality in sound production. I keep coming back because it's obvious David cares greatly that the vision of the artist is replicated into the sound.

  4. Review by Justin F.

    Working with David at Shine On Studio is always a real pleasure. Not only is it a space where I can get totally into my music, but David himself is so creative and contributes so much to the process that it becomes very much a partnership.

Interview with David Hughes

  1. Q: Which artist would you like to work with and why?

  2. A: A time machine to take me back to work with Pink Floyd in the studio is on my bucket list.

  3. Q: What type of music do you usually work on?

  4. A: I typically work on rock, country, blues, and jazz. I've taken on work for other genres and had good fun sculpting a sound scape that isn't my typical production.

  5. Q: What do you bring to a song?

  6. A: I mix by how the music makes me feel. I want the music to draw me in and surround me with the emotion of the music.

  7. Q: What's your typical work process?

  8. A: Clients will load their music to our cloud service. I work on the mixing and send the client tracks for review. We talk about any changes that need to be made and I work on a new mix. We go through this process until we get to a point where everyone is happy.

  9. Q: Tell us about your studio setup.

  10. A: The studio runs on a Pro Tools HDX system. We have lots of analog gear patched in to use plus way too many plugins to shape and sculpt mixes. Essentially, we have the tools to get the job done right.

  11. Q: Analog or digital and why?

  12. A: I lean towards Analog, but there are many benefits to digital. A harmonious balance between the two domains is a musical place where I like to work.

  13. Q: What questions do you ask prospective clients?

  14. A: What's the story behind your music? What inspired you to compose and create music?

  15. Q: What was your career path? How long have you been doing this?

  16. A: I started as a production assistant at LIVE 105 in San Francisco. Learned a lot from the team at the station and met some extremely talented musicians. After a few years, decided to start a studio with another engineer in 2001. We've been working and composing with music and audio ever since.

  17. Q: How would you describe your style?

  18. A: I like to stand out and be noticed. I feel my mixes should do the same.

  19. Q: Can you share one music production tip?

  20. A: Don't be afraid to experiment. Sometimes the line needs to be crossed to make the track memorable and unique.

  21. Q: What's your strongest skill?

  22. A: I have a talent for getting clarity and depth in my mixes. I am meticulous with my EQ. I work on blending effects softly to layer and balance out my soundscape in each mix.

  23. Q: What other musicians or music production professionals inspire you?

  24. A: Butch Vig changed the way I look at music production. His mixing style is iconic and inspiring for many of the songs that I work on. It's the little details that really make a mix rise to the top.

  25. Q: Describe the most common type of work you do for your clients.

  26. A: I typically work on post-production mixes at my studio.

Guilty by Rich Eagle

I was the Mixing Engineer and Producer in this production

Terms Of Service

Turn around time is approx. 48-72 hours. Each project is put in queue and processed in the order received. I typically allow 3 revisions before we need to discuss additional compensations.

GenresSounds Like
  • Pink Floyd
  • Tom Petty
  • Queens of the Stone Age
Gear Highlights
  • Prism Sound Titan
  • Custom 192 HD mods
  • SSL
  • Neve
  • Manley
  • Bettermaker
  • Elysia
  • Kush
  • Adam A77x Monitors
  • Dangerous Music
  • Pro Tools HDX
  • Universal Audio
  • GML
  • Avalon
  • Summit Audio
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SoundBetter Deal

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  • December Promo on MasteringDec 09, 2021

    25% off mastering services valid until 12/31/21. DM for more details.