Ro$e Golde

Recording artist (cover songs)

Ro$e Golde on SoundBetter

My voice is like an instrument. I’ve done vocals for various upcoming artist. A unique sound to add flavor to the mix. Headlined shows with a few Major artist in the industry like Wiz Khalifa.

My creative juices flow 24/7, I sing in my dreams and wake up inspired. Even on my worst day I make the best music. An industry sound with a new taste. My services are Cover songs, songwriting for any genre, features for artist, hooks (chorus) or bridge. My versatility doesn’t allow me to be stuck in the box.

Click the 'Contact' above to get in touch. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Ro$e Golde- Hear Me Calling Cover

I was the Mixing Engineer, Singer in this production

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Up to 2-3 revisions, allow 5-10 days to complete service.

GenresSounds Like
  • Drake
  • Tory Lanez
  • DeJ Loaf
Gear Highlights
  • Pro tools
  • Apollo twin
  • MacBook
  • blue bottle mic.
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