Marius Luerig

Solid & Energetic Drumtracks

Marius Luerig on SoundBetter

This drums take your song to the right level - Musically played & tracked with an analog Console

All I need is a rough mix of your song with (if you have) & without drums starting from 00.0, & the BPM.
After I've done the recording, I'll email you an Mp3 of your song with my drum take. Then we'll talk about any changes that may be needed.
Once we're happy, and mark the job complete, I'll send you all individual drum tracks, and a stereo drum mix.

I'm looking forward to working with you!

Send me an email through 'Contact' button above and I'll get back to you asap.

Send me a note through the contact button above.

Drum Reel

I was the Drummer & Recording Engineer in this production

Terms Of Service

One revision per song free off charge. Typical turnaround time is 3-5 business days.

Gear Highlights
  • ADT 5MT Console
  • UAD Apollo x16
  • Classic Neumann/Sennheiser Microphon Collection
  • TubeTech EQs
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