
session recording & production

funnyfarmproductions on SoundBetter

Toronto based qualified music professional, developing an international production network which currently has stakes and partners in Melbourne, AUS and Toronto, CA.

Offering access to an Indie production networks resources, 2 recording and productions locations in Toronto.

This network has access to teachers, performers and artists willing to exchange and collaborate!

Thirsty for not only my progression and development as an international music professional, but also passionate about collaboration and assisting the productions of others!

"Its not about what you know.. Its about what WE know!"

Bachelors in Business (Griffith University, Brisbane AUS)
Bachelors in Audio Production (SAE Institute, Melbourne AUS)

Would love to hear from you. Click the contact button above to get in touch.

Interview with funnyfarmproductions

  1. Q: Tell us about a project you worked on you are especially proud of and why. What was your role?

  2. A: Im currently working on it... and Im not able to disclose anything at the moment, other than there is 6 figures at stake!

  3. Q: What do you like most about your job?

  4. A: Success depends essentially on how refined your interpersonal skills are, which are the most important skills in this world, the product is audible stimulation / substance, which is the greatest thing in this world!..

  5. Q: What questions do customers most commonly ask you? What's your answer?

  6. A: How much?? Not important until I understand what you think you want and what the full potential of our interaction could be.

  7. Q: If you were on a desert island and could take just 5 pieces of gear, what would they be?

  8. A: A multiple polar pattern condenser microphone, a dynamic microphone, a sampler, a keyboard and a drum machine...?

  9. Q: What's your typical work process?

  10. A: Always start with a 'dummy session', individual artists and professionals can come together under an initial purpose or goal.. but if you begin set on specific objective?? You could be setting up to miss other potential (or "hidden gold") within the collective that could potentially be more powerful than the original purpose of the collaboration...

  11. Q: Is there anyone on SoundBetter you know and would recommend to your clients?

  12. A: Clarity Records,

  13. Q: Analog or digital and why?

  14. A: Generally speaking? Digital.. because it all ends up 'digital' in this age, and its the smoothest path to boundless creativity.. But for a specific topic, like console choice for example? ANALOG, because as just stated, it all ends up digital in the "inevitable box"... I like a level of raw authentic control close to the sources being captured..

  15. Q: What questions do you ask prospective clients?

  16. A: What do you want to achieve? What do you think you want help with?

  17. Q: What are you working on at the moment?

  18. A: Network development, dual studio establishment (Toronto)

  19. Q: What's your 'promise' to your clients?

  20. A: Honesty, remuneration only upon delivery of a satisfying product..

  21. Q: What advice do you have for a customer looking to hire a provider like you?

  22. A: Wait for a "provider" that wants to understand your product well before they pitch their 'price'!..

  23. Q: What was your career path? How long have you been doing this?

  24. A: Network production development, 4 years.. (officially)

  25. Q: How would you describe your style?

  26. A: Fluid and adaptive.

  27. Q: Which artist would you like to work with and why?

  28. A: Diplo, he demonstrate a world class blend of production and performance whilst demonstrating level headed composure..

  29. Q: Can you share one music production tip?

  30. A: LISTEN!!!!!!

  31. Q: What type of music do you usually work on?

  32. A: Good music... ;)

  33. Q: What's your strongest skill?

  34. A: Session production.

  35. Q: What do you bring to a song?

  36. A: Good ears!!.. Along with reputable taste, combined with certified perspective and tactful interpersonal integrity..

  37. Q: What other musicians or music production professionals inspire you?

  38. A: Dr Dre (Aftermath), Diplo (Mad Decent), Noah 40...

  39. Q: Describe the most common type of work you do for your clients.

  40. A: Session Recording and Production assistance.

Gear Highlights
  • MOTU 4pre x 2
  • Mackie MR6 monitors
  • AKG C214
  • Rode NT2a
  • Pioneer CDJ850 x 2 + DJM 850
  • ect
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