Miguel "Mique" Zuñiga Ramirez

Mixing / Mastering / Producer

Miguel "Mique" Zuñiga Ramirez on SoundBetter

If you have your tracks recorded, you don't have the time or the expertise to edit, mix and master and get a professional sound, send us your tracks and we shape it, in MQ Studio I achieve a clear, clean, warm and professional sound with the which your music can compete in an increasingly demanding music market.

I offer you a personalized, close and professional treatment so that your mix or mastering sounds like you have it in mind.
I have a vast experience in mixing and mastering singles and records produced in my studio in the field of hip-hop by emerging and underground artists, I also have the experience of working with bands of different styles as their live sound engineer for recitals and concerts.

Send me a note through the contact button above.

Cabro Homer Feat. Kirmota Black - No Me Afecta

I was the Mixing & Mastering Engieneer, in this production

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