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Burgdorf Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Make your tracks come to life.
I specialize in pop demo track production for artists and songwriters and can turn your song into a presentable demo you can take anywhere!
2 x Grammy Nominated & 5x Platinum Producer and Engineer based in Los Angeles.
Kama Linden has 4 studio albums ranging from Pop/Adult Contemporary to Country. She can sing from Alto to Soprano 2. She layered all of her harmonies on 3 of her 4 albums. She is also a songwriter, ASCAP member, and can write that hit song for you.
New York based session and touring guitarist. Look forward to hearing and collaborating on your music.
I compose music for various television shows as well as numerous production music libraries.
2022 Latin Grammy nominated composer, orchestrator, arranger, orchestrator, and bassist, upright and electric. I Have performed with Kronos Quartet, Rita Moreno, Hugh Jackman, Martin Short, Mandy Patinkin & Patti LuPone, Marc Shaiman, Bonnie Raitt, Randy Newman, Josh Groban, Kristin Chenoweth, Andrew Lippa, Eddie Duran, and many others.
Nashville drummer Brian Czach (Mannheim Steamroller) just got off the road with country super star Tracy Lawrence plays for the song and treats your recording project like it is his own.
Recent Successes
"First time working with Eileen and she was quick, professional, and amazing. Her vocals were high quality! Highly recommend!!!"
"Did a solid job on my track. Will hit him up again for future mastering"
"Jimmy was great! Excellent mixing and mastering, and Jimmy was very quick, patient and took feedback really well. Very happy. Thanks again!"
"She is very talented and very upfront of her expectations upon completion of the song when it comes to the business side of music. She worked with the lyrics I gave her and brought them out with her beautiful melody. ..."
"Austin was so great and very attentive to changes and detail. Very communicative. Loved working with him!"
"Fantastic Singer. Never worked with such a pro in my life. Everything is perfecto !!!"
"I am honestly so impressed and inspired by the calibre of talent, the writing and of course...the VOICE! I am in love with the track that we have created and Bailey wrote! "
"First time working with Fred, I had an amazing experience. Great communication, fast delivery and top notch quality! Highly recommend!"