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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mehki Key
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My name is Joshua St. Moblo. I am a Mixing & Mastering Engineer in Nashville, TN. Recently I have worked with The Weeks, Ron Gallo, Modern Vices, Heyrocco, Sadler Vaden, Fever Blush, among others.
I do lots mixing stuff both for raw(untouched) session or live ones. Mostly focusing on Jazz and Rock genres.
KwEdman - ◉Cellist◉Arranger◉Composer◉Tutor◉Teacher◉Conductor◉
Producer/Songwriter from Sweden with close to 50 Million streams on Spotify! Mainly directed to House and EDM but can produce almost every different genre such as hip hop, pop or even rock!
I'm a very versatile and experienced musician/composer, with a diploma in MMA (an Italian professional music school). In the last 15 years I collaborated with several artists and composed and recorded music of different styles, specializing in music scores for films.
I'm a music producer who specialises in sound and mixing engineering. I'm a multi-instrumentalist and I'm currently working with two bands (as a drummer and as lead singer and guitarist) and recorded a punk album for one of them. Previously worked as a sound engineer and drummer in the indie studio called Flying Rat Records for 5 years.
I play all styles. My focus is on creating parts that fit the vibe of the song, finding the right feel, and getting a clean take.
Recent Successes
"I've really enjoyed working with Brandon. I've found him attentive to the brief as well as our feedback. His really fast turn-arounds got us scrambling to keeping up with him. He's very attentive to feel and colour of..."
"Great professional, I recommend him 100%. Quick answers, fulfils deadlines perfectly, very experimented in producing EDM, very patient and hard working. Thx Austin for your help!!"
"my 2nd job with Joey. this man is pure fire. love his vibe. will do more stuff with him. highly recommended."
"Fantastic producer, great businessman! "
"Jordan is not only professional but he also is very supportive of the musician/artists vision. Working with him will make your music come to life and his commitment to his craft is apparent all throughout the process...."
"Brittney did a great job, this is the 2nd time I have used her. She went above and beyond to make sure I had the style I was looking for. And she asks for a lot of input, questions before she starts. Delivers when pro..."
"Cory was AMAZING on Bass, Drums, & Guitar On My Original Song "Why Can't We Live". Bravo!!"