
Mastering Engineer

20 Reviews (1 Verified)
AbsoluteMastering on SoundBetter

Hi my name is Antonio Ruggiero, I'm a mastering engineer with a background experience as recording and mixing engineer. I have mastered more than one hundred records. My studio is equipped with the finest analog and digital gears. Excellent acoustic of the room and superb monitoring are the strong foundation of my work.

My Phylosophy

- Passion- Absolutemastering was born after a long dedication for music and audio, our efforts are fed by this passion with which we face our daily tasks.

-Devotion- There must not be compromises or short-cuts if we want to obtain excellent results.The task of Mastering is to carry forward a record to the best quality, in the line of music and competition within the music market. In order to reach this target the mastering studio must be either absolutely creative as well as technically perfect.

-Care and Ability- There is no “magic wand”, the perfect compressor or software that could transform an ordinary sonority in a extraordinary, magic one. Every tool gives an increasing improvement, the final result comes from is machines’ synergy, through competence and experience and by hard and careful work of research and listening.

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20 Reviews

Endorse AbsoluteMastering
  1. Review by redhawk2k

    Antonio is an awesome mastering engineer that was able to take my mix to the next level. The strings were more open, the snare had more punch, and the overall sound was more vibrant and free. I was able to get a quick response within a day and the project was finished on time.
    You can trust Absolute Mastering for your project, and I hope to work again with him on a future one.

  2. Review by Lorenzo R.

    Studio con attrezzature di altissimo livello. Antonio è un professionista serio, con anni di esperienza alle spalle, e allo stesso tempo una persona attenta e disponibile verso le esigenze musicali di chiunque. Decisamente raccomandato.

  3. Review by Vincenzo Toscano
    by Vincenzo Toscano

    Antonio non solo è una gran bella persona, ma un professionista serio. Studio bellissimo, raro da trovare in Campania con macchine all'avanguardia e un'acustica pazzesca.Ovviamente ha fatto un Master eccellente al nostro primo disco.
    Vincenzo Toscano

  4. Review by luca
    by luca

    Conosco Antonio da svariati anni e ho sempre ammirato il suo modo di lavorare e di...non fermarsi mai...nella ricerca e nella sperimentazione. Ho da poco finito un lavoro...diciamo difficile, ma sapevamo di essere in buone mani. E così poi è stato! Il lavoro ha riscosso un ottimo ritorno e..anche grazie a lui! Grande :-)

  5. Review by Annalisa M.

    Grande professionalità e competenza.
    Vanto italiano per preparazione, sensibilità artistica ed impeccabile professioonalità.

  6. Review by Valerio
    by Valerio

    Bellissimo studio e strumentazione di alto livello. La disponibilità e la competenza di Antonio inoltre fanno di Absolute Mastering la mia prima scelta !

  7. Review by Gerardo Attanasio
    by Gerardo Attanasio

    Disponibile, competente, appassionato.

  8. Review by vincenzo attanasio
    by vincenzo attanasio

    Io ho avuto la possibilita di lavorare insieme ad Antonio. Grande professionista e signore del mastering. Absolute Mastering e´ uno studio altamente professionale, uno dei migliori in Campania.
    Assolutamente consigliato per chi vuole un prodotto che suoni all´altezza dei canoni standard mondiali.

  9. Review by AndreaCutillo
    by AndreaCutillo

    In un mondo dove nessuno, o quasi, ha capito realmente l'importanza della fase di mastering di un disco...AbsoluteMastering arriva a chiarire le idee ed offrire competenza e professionalità rare da trovare altrove. Di sicuro la prima scelta per finalizzare il proprio prodotto.

  10. Review by Mindshake
    by Mindshake

    Antonio è un assoluto professionista con grandissime competenze tecniche, un'ottima strumentazione e uno studio con un'acustica perfetta. Basta poco per ottenere il suono desiderato.
    Lo consigliamo a tutti coloro che hanno bisogno di ottenere un tocco magico per i proprio dischi.
    Absolute Mastering TOP !

  11. Review by Simone Sessa
    by Simone Sessa

    Strumentazione eccellente, grandissima competenza, disponibilità e cortesia clamorose. Straconsigliato!!

  12. Review by AUGUSTO AUSANIO

    L'Ing. Antonio Ruggero, è in grado di coniugare la sua grande competenza tecnica con la conoscenza del suono delle frequenze e delle sonortià che si ottiene solo dopo anni di ascolti e di navigata esperienza. Sono felice ed orgoglioso di aver realizzato il lavoro di mastering presso lo studio di Absolute Mastering. Un nome una garanzia !!!!!!!!!

  13. Review by Giovanni Vicedomini
    by Giovanni Vicedomini

    Ottime macchine, grande acustica,
    professionalità altissima!

  14. Review by Valerio Ruotolo
    by Valerio Ruotolo

    The best studio of mastering in naples...in Absolute

  15. Review by Alessio C.

    Il meglio in assoluto! Anzì in absolute!!!

  16. Review by Andrea De Rosa
    by Andrea De Rosa

    Grande professionalità e altissimo livello dei prodotti!

  17. Review by Enzo Fiorentino
    by Enzo Fiorentino

    Studio,macchine e professionalità di altissimo livello!!! Ho affidato il mio disco ad AbsoluteMastering e ne è uscito un lavoro eccellente!
    Lo consiglierei a tutti e anche a me stesso per il secondo disco!

  18. Review by Giuseppe Polito
    by Giuseppe Polito

    I work often with Antonio and everytime is a pleasure to work with a professionist and very kind person like him. Is hard to find a technician like Antonio that respects your intentions, that has that great musical feeling and workis next to you without pretend to redo everything in last step. Giuseppe Polito - Recording/Mixing engineer

  19. Review by Daniele Magliulo
    by Daniele Magliulo

    Antonio opera ad altissimi livelli qualitativi, la sua competenza e professionalità mi hanno colpito fin dall'inizio del lavoro fatto insieme. La raffinatissima strumentazione di cui dispone e l'attenzione che dedica all'ascolto del cliente rendono Antonio indispensabile per chi vuole concludere un progetto sonoro nel miglior modo possibile.

  20. Review by Giacinto Piracci
    by Giacinto Piracci

    Ho trovato grande competenza e disponibilità, oltre a una strumentazione tecnica di primissimo livello. Antonio è un professionista, e riesce a capire l'idea del suono che vuoi ottenere.
    Giacinto Piracci.

Interview with AbsoluteMastering

  1. Q: What's your 'promise' to your clients?

  2. A: You will and up happy of all your work!

  3. Q: What do you like most about your job?

  4. A: I don't feel like a job. It's pleasure pure pleasure

  5. Q: What's the biggest misconception about what you do?

  6. A: you can turn lead in gold... :)

  7. Q: What was your career path? How long have you been doing this?

  8. A: I have started with audio 30 years ago. I have 20 years of experience in pro field five years as recording-mixing engeneer, 15 as mastering engeneer

  9. Q: How would you describe your style?

  10. A: Innovative but respectful of client personality

  11. Q: Which artist would you like to work with and why?

  12. A: Thaks god there is a lot of good music! I really would like to work with all of them!! :)

  13. Q: Can you share one music production tip?

  14. A: For Mastering: continous original vs masterd track listening at equal loudness

  15. Q: What type of music do you usually work on?

  16. A: Jazz, Latin, Pop-Rock, R&B-Soul, Rock, Singer-Songwriter, World

  17. Q: What's your strongest skill?

  18. A: Listening skill, sensibility to the music and care of the details

  19. Q: What do you bring to a song?

  20. A: Fresh ears! And objective listening..."Missing Thing" if there is something missing... Sometimes mixes are really great so you need to respect work and delivery the mastering without missing anything

  21. Q: What's your typical work process?

  22. A: First listen to the track. Second talk with the client about what to do in mastering. Third give to the client some example of mastering of the track. Fourth give a evaluation copy of the mastering so the client can judge and ask for review or not. Fifth delivery the final mastering

  23. Q: Tell us about your studio setup.

  24. A: I have top of the class analog and digital equipment, great attention was given to studio acoustic and monitoring. Many project studios and some professional studios have their own acoustical signature, this signature can make big sound degradation. There is the last chance to fix this anomalies: the mastering studio. AbsoluteMastering critical listening room is free from acoustical signature.

  25. Q: What other musicians or music production professionals inspire you?

  26. A: I'm inspired from great producers like Quincy Jones or Andy Wallace

  27. Q: Describe the most common type of work you do for your clients.

  28. A: I'm focused on mastering.


I was the Mastering Engineer in this production

Gear Highlights
  • Digital Audio Denmark AX24 DXD-DSD option ; Manley Vari Mu mastering version; Summit Audio MPE-200 Rupert Neve disign; Millenia Media NSEQII mastering version; Weiss DS1-MK3 digital mastering Compressor/limiter; Sequoia DAW
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