In year 2014 - 2015 - 2016 Newik was on the Ballantine's Music Awards - "Mainstream Dj Of The Year" in Hungary
In August 2013 Newik’s career made huge steps in his Life.
He released his first song with the title My Love. The record gained a considerable success and became the biggest summer hit in Hungary.
The song My love was licensed to the World Famous Pacha Records.
The Track appeared in radio stations and nowadays most of the Hungarian Radio Stations broadcast it in Rotation. With almost 11 years of music related experiences Newik is one of the leading Djs of Hungary today. His respectful attitude towards music makes him unique.
Music Videos :
Tonight : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1cuTGn1l
My Love : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pSyvJSUYDU
The Secret : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kumXJ8q35CY
In year 2013 Newik was on the Ballantine's Music Awards - "New Upcomer Dj in Hungary"
12,14,16, July, 2014 Newik is headliner on Music Fm stage on Balatonsound
In year 2014 Newik was on the Ballantine's Music Awards - "Mainstream Dj Of The Year"
In year 2015 Newik was second time on the Ballantine's Music Awards - "Mainstream Dj Of The Year"
In year 2016 Newik was third time on the Ballantine's Music Awards - "Mainstream Dj Of The Year"
More Informations here:
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/newikofficial/
Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/newikhungary/videos
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