Miles Powers

Hip-Hop Songwriter & Engineer

Miles Powers on SoundBetter

With over 55 million streams between solo and band discographies, Miles is a skilled and experienced collaborator, creative and knowledgeable hip-hop songwriter and recording artist, and an audio engineer of eight years capable of professional-quality mixes.

Miles has been recognized by fans and artists alike for their assertive, agile delivery, dense, interwoven lyrics, uniquely personal and playful songwriting voice, and diverse, dedicated output. Hailing from Portland, Oregon, Miles began making music in 2016 and gradually connected and collaborated with pioneers of the lo-fi hip-hop scene (such as Atwood and love-sadKID). They began their professional solo career in earnest in 2019 after graduating from Clark Honors College with a GPA of 3.99, having already informally released over a hundred songs, co-founded international punk-rock-inspired rap group Cemetery Drive, and garnered a dedicated fanbase.

- Over 55 million royalty-earning streams between solo and band discographies (as of October 2024)
- Songwriter and performing artist credits on over 100 songs, engineering credits on over 60 songs
- Collaborated with over 30 vocalists and 40 producers

Skills and roles:
- Extremely proficient songwriter and recording artist at the frontier of new lyric compositional approaches
- Audio engineer of eight years capable of professional-quality mixes and masters
- Diverse artist flexibly fulfilling all roles required to bring a song to life and to an audience, including regular cover art and merch design, video directing and editing, acting, interpersonal and entrepreneurial skills

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Typical turnaround time: 3-6 days
Songwriting/recording revisions: 2
Mixing and mastering revisions: 6

GenresSounds Like
  • Joey Bada$$
  • Tyler
  • The Creator
  • Dreamville
Gear Highlights
  • Rode NTK Condenser Microphone
  • Yamaha HS7 Powered Studio Monitor
  • Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro 250 ohm Headphones
  • Sony MDR-1A Headphones
  • Sony MDR-7506 Headphones
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