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22000 Saint-Brieuc Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Mute City Music (est. February 2015) is an online production company of Jazz & Contemporary music. In both physical and digital mediums, MCM is dedicated to a variety of music services including composition/arranging, editing, sheet music prep, and more!
I mix, master and produce Music
Vocal / singer-songwriter of an indie rock band in Hong Kong. Fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin and English.
Look no further and come get that Quality A1 sound
Specializing in electronic music, I use a combination of top analog and digital technology with affordable pricing to bring you great results. Multiple of my works have charted on Billboard, and multiple have charted in the top 5 all formats/genres on Bandcamp.
Providing custom beats for your upcoming project I have a large arsenal of beats ready to Immediately send depending on the type of vibes your looking for Heavy 808s
I have an excellent sense of rhythm.
I'm a producer, songwriter, mix engineer and multi-instrumentalist from the UK, currently based in Australia. I've written, produced and mixed songs for lots of different artists that have been featured in multiple Spotify editorial playlists including Fresh Finds: Pop and New Dance revolution. I'd love to help you finish your next song.
Recent Successes
"Chris was very quick and brought a new element to the production that complimented and accentuated the track brilliantly. Quality + speed = efficiency and Chris has been the most efficient musician I've dealt with to ..."
"Once again Esteban did a great job. Always doing what it takes to deliver what is best for our songs. Highly recommended. "
"Friendly and professional artist. Great Voice, huge talent!"
"Great to work with Chuck... very fast ! a true professional delivering a top quality performance 5 STARS. tks chuck ."
"Denitia was great to work with, her creativity was what really got me! She really has a fantastic voice. It is a pleasure working with her."
"work him again! He can accomplish a lot as a producer who doesn't always disappoint! "
"Great work!! Ryan was very professional and quick delivering his work. He provided anther level of musicianship to the project. "
"Brittany did exceptionally well! She took my ideas and transformed them into reality. She not only provided captivating vocals but also wrote compelling lyrics and skillfully mixed the song. Her diverse range of talen..."