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70024 Gravina in Puglia Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I am an audio engineer, as well as a musician and I have a passion for both the creative and technical side of all things recording, editing, mixing, and mastering.
• 17 Year-old Music Producer | Quality Beats for Quality Artists | Prod. Lizzle, Kid Official, Dutch Revz, & More | Unsigned Producer.
Talented guitarist and songwriter, specialising in creating tracks and chord progressions for pop and rock.
Full range music production services for artists with a vision.
Edm/modern pop producer and engineer. I worked with several pop and edm artists, currently I collaborate with a studio in Rome that will allow me to offer you an industry level track.
High quality professional audio services.
Looking to work with very promising artists who want to take their music to another level. Open to all kinds of music collabs.I'm a unique, trained vocalist, composer & songwriter. Play drums. Hit contact now.
I've been playing drums over 20+ years; I work as session musician since 10+ years, and I'm ready to find that unique feature on your music and make it shine
Recent Successes
"Most stunning!"
"THIS GUY IS FIRE, HE IS RISING TALENT, FUTURE START, 10/10!!! The best collaboration experiences in my last 10 years!!! Will definitely have much more projects with this amazing person!!!"
"Very talented and will definitely use him again!"
"If you want someone so professional it will blow your mind. So musically communicative you'll be humbled, so fast you will think you are dealing with Flash Leeds. So reasonable your bank will be thanking him. Go with..."
"MARKISS is a genius! He has consistently exceeded my wildest expectations, flawlessly executing every aspect of the project. The outcome has left me absolutely delighted. MARKISS is undoubtedly a true master of his cr..."