Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Actionesse
Hi! My name is Lilian Blair and I am a producer and engineer in the Seattle area, specializing in the rocks and/or rolls of all shades of heaviness. My approach to production is very much focused on providing a supportive environment to allow the artist's creativity to shine.
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Shimti Merily, an India based DJ better known by her stage name DJ ShimZ is a DJ from Shillong. Well known for her Music.
I am a 21 year old that has the love and passion for music. Started egineering for my group Habitat Music 3 years ago and found a career that I would enjoy doing. I also love doing live performances, recording, and connecting with other musicians/artists through music
I'm a music producer with a passion for writing pop tunes.
30 years of experience mixing for music and tv. clients include: Netflix, SONY Pictures, Amazon Studios
Hello! I’m Zahra Black, a music producer and audio engineer from sunny Scotland at Black Waves Audio.
Hi everyone, I am Tolis a full time audio engineer and musician based in Greece. I own Vicious Antelope Productions an audio and music production studio offering premium mixing and mastering services using both analog and digital equipment.
I think, my differentiator is that I adapt easily, be pop, rock, acustic rock, trap, whatever
Recent Successes
"Their production is amazing, their really professional, handing everything on time and your song goes to a whole new level of quality. I am really happy with the work they did and I am even continuing to work with the..."
"Great Work with Tyree. Never let you down"
"Jeff is a real pleasure to work with. The project was completed to a very high standard and Jeff remained extremely professional and polite throughout, sending songs back to me very quickly. I highly recommend working..."
"I´ll be back... 3 Jobs with three excelent rsults, no words to describe the mixing and mastering talent... 7 star engineer. Recomended for PRO2 audio results."
"I love working with Austin. Hands down a great experience."
"Perfect mix everytime!"
"Aaron is the best guy on this site to work with. Not only is he extremely talented, but he is a great guy who cares about his work. He worked with me on 6 different versions, when HE heard something wrong in my mix. ..."
"Great experience, knows his stuff!"
"MARK JORDAN is great! He is easy to work with and understands the direction and the production process. He is always communicating and delivering a great product. He is extremely helpful with ideas and helps drive the..."