Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ari F.i.R./Dead But Dreaming
Skilled composer and producer will amp your project up with guitar, piano/keys, ukulele, synths and/or MIDI instruments. My specialty is genre-fusing instrumentation and scores/soundtracks. Experience: 20+ years performing musician 15+ years recording, producing 4 years teaching musical technique and theory
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Hello Artist, nice to meet you Musician and welcome to Björn Basil Studios based right in the heart of Europe, Frankfurt/M., where I am creating as a Musician working as a Sound Engineer for several years already. I'm glad you found and chose Björn Basil Studios and I'm looking forward to do great work with you! Your vision is my mission
Need to add some color to the song you wrote or the track you produced? Then I'm your girl! My name is Ogk and I am a Producer/Singer/DJ!
Charting music producer with 15+ years experience in the industry. I've produced many pop artists and bands all over the world either remotely or in the studio my team has built over the past 7 years.
Lets fully realise and push your sonic uniqueness, find out what makes you - 'YOU' - and take it beyond expectations and limits.
Highly qualified professional with extensive experience in acoustic design and production. Hands-on knowledge of digital recording, editing, and mixing equipment. Comprehensive knowledge of various music genres. Proficient in studio techniques. Organized, professional, excellent project managers.
MC Nemesis is an affordable, musician focused, audio recording studio in the mountains. We have combined a professionally designed room, high-quality result driven recording equipment, and a love of all things audio, to provide a creative and comfortable environment for all of your recording needs.
I'm a 15 year old producer here in the US, and have been messing around with melodies since I was 6yrs old. I've collabed with numerous people and fell in love with the art of it to the point where I want to do more. Im currently in school for sound engineering and hope thats what I go to collage for. Lets make a hit!
Mix & master your songs with me professionally. I can also sing for your songs.
Recent Successes
"Fantastic talent, listening and sharp. Very kind and patient. Very professional delivery and final sound. Can't wait working with him again."
"I’m so happy that I found Mariami here on SoundBetter! She really does outstanding work as a singer and as a lyricist. From the first moment of our collaboration we kept walking on the same ground - although sometimes..."
"Excellent work as usual, super impressed, looking forward to the next project!"
"If you are fortunate enough to work with Kimera you will be working with someone who will show you melodies, ad libs, and harmonies that inspire you to become a better musician. I feel like I just received a mastercl..."
"Max gives a fair price and high-quality service. He is personable and gives his best effort to turn out professional-grade productions. Would recommend."
"Audiostein knows how to capture the essence and vibe of each track. Nothing is standardized as each artist and each song are treated as such. I was surprised when I received the first mix which blew me away. The vibe ..."
"Cory was awesome to work with on this project! He really helped me nail down the mix just the way I wanted it. Plus, he was lightning-fast and always available to chat. I can't wait to team up with him again! Best, B..."
"Loved collaborating with such a talented singer. "
"Once again Gosteffects has been an incredible engineer to work with. Always provides a solution to match your vision and always provides details around any adjustments he makes in each revision. He is a prompt communi..."