Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with B.A in Music Technology. Contemporary M.Harmony . Electronic Music. History of Music. DAWs
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With over 30 years experience in mixing and producing music I offer using the best available technology and techniques combined with a creative and intuitive approach to your music.
Happily producing & engineering for clients worldwide from Los Angeles for the past decade.
Hi This is Sky Recording Studios. We try to provide the best sounds.We have worked with singers from 5 international countries. Solo/Band Project -Rs 2000 (4 hrs fixed slot) For Demos you can visit this link. www.facebook.com/skybusy/
lets make your next song shine!
Songwriter/lyricist available. Remote production, beatmaking and song critiquing also available.
I got the lyrics you need, when you need them! I will write about why you need them because I want you to get across your message.
Your Vision, My Mission.
Serving all auditory creatives to enhance the audio listening experience.
Recent Successes
"Very fast and professional work! Calvin has a clean voice that´s suitable for many kinds of music genre! Really good at collaborating as well!"
"Lars was great to work with - he understands the subsonics of EDM - he made some excellent suggestions that were right on and delivered a beautiful master. Looking forward to more work with Lars!"
"Excellent engineer! Brought life and everything together in this song! Made everything sound clear and full! Can’t wait to be working in the future with him"
"Gera is a very brilliant and talented guitarist. This is my 3rd time working with him because, he is very good on what he does."
"Amazing! Timo was a very great communicator and truly helped bring my idea to life! He was extremely helpful, patient, informative, persistent, and kind throughout the entire process of finishing this production. Espe..."
"Flourish is really a joy to work with. He is very responsive and attentive. I would highly recommend him to anyone in need of a unique production! Looking forward to working together on many tracks :)"