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Boston Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Very experienced songwriter, topliner and lyricist living in Copenhagen, Denmark. It's all about hitting the nerve - in the melody, the lyrics and the production. That's what makes my heart beat..!
American songstress and word wrangler based in London.
Nashville based mix engineer - "Everyone has a different approach to mixing. Many underestimate the power of the creative process between the ears. Learning mixing from a book, class, or podcast cannot compare with real experience. Mixing in a studio is exactly like playing an instrument... it's driven by feel." -Brenton Miles
Music First! Worked on big budget studio productions.
Mixing and Mastering for musicians by musicians! I am an award-winning producer and multi platinum artist that turned his passion for audio from a hobby to a full time profession. I have 20+ years of experience on a wide variety of genres.
Fresh sound
Hello My Name is Omar Faruk Jafree also known as OMER J MUSIC from Bangladesh. I have started producing & composing music since 2008. My Musical Genres is Electronic Dance Music (EDM), Dubsetp Music, Hip hop Music, Dance Music, Trap Music, Classical Music, Instrumental, Soundtrack.I hope you will love & specially enjoy my music.
I've worked in genres like pop, rock, folk, r&b, emo, punk, math rock, hip hop, edm, & synthwave. I love being able to help artists and musicians explore their sound and find unique ways to create and innovate. Along with experience writing and producing, I play guitar, bass, drums, synth, and even sing from time to time.
Recent Successes
"Andrew Capra moves through musical genres with ease and excellence. Another wonderful showcase of his endless talent"
"Reached out to Ziv to complete the guitar arrangement for one of my songs and he nailed it 100%. First time right, no remarks, super fast, great communication and above all extremely talented guitar player. 100% recom..."
"Adam was a joy to work with. He did an excellent and very tasteful job on the master, was communicative, and really cared about the song. He brings a passion and expertise to his work and was very quick to accomodate ..."
"Man another classic and this track had many layers of vocals that took hours to record and Adam added his magic and the track sounds perfect this guy is a genius!"
"Another amazing job from Joe! 10 stars!"
"Taylor gave a stellar vocal performance for a fun little duet! She knew what I was aiming for and she nailed it!!"
"Its always a pleasure working with klaas. I've worked with a couple mixing engineers, and it was rare that im happy with the first mix im getting. Klaas knows what he does, and does it awesome and is super efficient. ..."
"Hugo took my song and brought out the most energy and detail he could find in a style uniquely his own. So happy with the finished product, Hugo's communication and I hope to work with him again soon."