Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chandra Lacombe
36 years of recording, working with the best in Brazilian and world music. Remote Mix / Master since 2008.
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I'm Tim, and I run Full of Joy Studios in north Wales, United Kingdom. With many years of experience and a huge variety of projects, I am able to offer many diverse services at an extremely high quality, professional level.
Over-Enthusiastic about finding the perfect bass line for your song and pushing creativity to my full potential. Sound is a big deal for me. I like talking to producers before recording, so I can round-up the concept of the bass line in couple of key words, targeting whatever producers have in mind. 15 years experience - Berklee Alumni.
I'm a drummer in the band, Yamasasi, from Surf Rock, Noise, from São Paulo, Brazil. You can search on Spotif. Create and record all the drum lines on the CD. I recently rented a studio in my city, where I am starting to produce some material in which I am recording drums with different rap artists, mpb, you know.
Very versatile singer from Australia with lots of experience.
Versatile session bassist who will provide expert recordings and parts on your tracks. Can play Synth and Fretless bass as well. I have gigged with artists for the past decade as a live performer playing venues such as The Royal Albert Hall, 02 arenas and several major festivals such as Boardmasters and Beautiful days.
Producción y grabación completa a partir de una simple idea o referencia.
Welcome to CaseySoundProductions, where your musical vision becomes a reality. I hope to help you reach your goals.
Recent Successes
"Consistently superb mastering engineer that always delivers!"
"Excellent work! Andrea was so professional with a beautiful voice! Thank you 🙏🏻 great performance! ❤️ I will using her again"
"Brilliant collaboration with Xtina Louise. A singer/songwriter with the understanding of the project at hand. Besides her very pleasant and super voice, Xtina Louise understands the idea behind the project. Also, the ..."
"This is my 2nd time working with Pietro and man, it's one of the quickest returns i've ever without sacrificing quality. He makes the guitar writing process super easy I just can't recommend Pietro enough. Going to hi..."
"Chris did a great job comping, tuning, and quantizing my vocals. He is one of the best vocal tuners I have worked with; I am picky when it comes to natural sounding vocals and he did a great job! He was communicat..."
"This is my second job (but third song) with Sefi and he took my demo to the next level, helping me actualise my vision. His patience, dedication and communication are greatly appreciated, in addition, of course, to hi..."
"I was already a fan of Alex's work so having him work on my tracks was a real treat. Alex was timely, patient, gave great feedback, and was able to make my songs sound better than I thought they could. I highly re..."
"Maria is fantastic. Very professional sound absolutely love her work, but she also does it extremely fast with quick communication. Will absolutely use again. Thank you!"
"I recently had the pleasure of working with Gosteffects on the mixing and mastering of my song, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. The attention to detail was impeccable, and the final product was perfect. Go..."