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Cuenca Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Producer and remixer based in London Styles: Drum annd Bass, Global Bass, Afro house
Multi-genre mixing/mastering engineer and songwriter/producer who will collaborate to ensure that the artist is completely satisfied with both their sound aesthetics and dynamics. From inception to completion, we'll work together to make the product match your vision.
Independent pop producer, songwriter, and singer.
I've been in the Music business either on the stage or in the studio for the last 25 years of my life, I believe my job is to take something good and make it absolutely Perfect so I don't tolerate anything but the best from the artists I work with.
The heart of Pluto Recordings is to illuminate the desires of the artist. We aspire to walk along side the artist's vision through creativity and commitment, until that vision is brought to life. We believe a great song starts at the writing and arranging stage, and from there, every step plays an integral part in achieving an incredible result.
ANALOG MASTERING Blackbird Mastering stands for Analog Mastering, experience, a keen sense of good Music and the ability to make dreams come true. The feeling of real life, freedom and maybe even breaks the rules. ...The best algorithm in the world does not make a good Master.
I can help you finish songs and release them afterwards too. Whether you need lyrics, beats or production or campaign advice, just shout. I also produce podcasts and offer media training having worked at the most prestigious National radio stations in the UK.
Use my professional singing voice to finish your project! I can sing anything from R&B to Rock and Rap as well. I also offer female singing and rap too!
Recent Successes
"Quicker than a lightning and super pro level service !!!! TOTALLY THE MAN FOR THE JOB !! :)"
"JS is everything you would want and more. Amazing at what he does, kind, patient, understanding, quick and always does an incredible job. Will definitely work with him again. Thanks JS. "
"This man is f***ing dope! What you get is an awesome result. Always positive and brings your song on point. While I can focus on my ideas, he brings them up with a PERFECT mix & mastering! Give it a try!"
"Adams masters are always awesome! Truly talented Brother!"
"This is my third time working with TJ. I consider his services part of my workflow now. If you need an experienced engineer who's easy to work with, TJ is your guy."
"Im oh so very happy with the cover we pulled off together! great to be back with Kate again never a dull moment :) every song is a new learning lesson for me, always glad Kate is here to guide me. It was a nice little..."
"I knew when I listened to David and Tiffanys songs on their profile they would be able to bless a gospel hip hop track. They blew me away I was in the store listening and stopped a stranger to listen it was so good. T..."
"Always consistent quality and quick turn around. Fred's my guy for mastering every time."