Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Derron Jones
Mixing in Atmos is quickly becoming the standard for music delivery and at Echelon Studios SD we are here to help. Using our 14 speaker (9.1.4) monitoring system we will deliver a 24bit/48kHz Atmos mix of the song (ADM-BWF) which will also contain the meta-data for the headphones render. We'd love to see if we could be a good fit for your project!
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Indie Monster Studio from Taiwan.We make music for indie musician or band.We are professional engineer & producer training from the major label.Affordable price,incredible quality.If you have a dream,let me help you.
I've produced many bands to success. Not bragging but i have a way to make you exceed yourself with your music. Production is mainly about making sure you will love and cherish the album we make 10 years down the road.
I am available for all professional level drum recordings, regardless of genre or style.
Talented ghost writer 6 years experience with a fine touch to relation became successful
Experience with Hip Hop & EDM. Mixing & Mastering.
EDM, Pop & Hiphop Producer and mixing engineer.
Producer β’ Engineer β’ Artist Metalworks Institute Graduate π¨βπ (Audio Production & Engineering Program) β’ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6Z7sq7rV0rYVQ8tXve8J3m β’ Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ca/artist/prodbyaarxn/1551864943 β’ Website/Beat Store: https://prodbyaarxn.beatstars.com/
Memphis Phonk producer and we're going against the wave. No mainstream music that sounds like the rest.
Recent Successes
"Yoad is a pleasure to work with and the mix turned out great! Warmly recommended. Thanks alot Yoad!"
"another fine job. very responsive to my change requests, with quick turnaround. even came up with some cool ideas on his own that i didn't even think of. highly recommended."
"Professional and got it right on the first go...on the same day of asking. Simply amazing."
"Jacob is amazing!!! Incredibly friendly, easy to work with and professional, but that voice though! Incredible artist with some serious talent and skills. He can definitely win a Grammy some day, he's THAT good. I'll ..."
"Always a pleasure working with this guy! Rob is great. Always professional with a super fast turn around time. Rob made my track sound right (commercial) in one shot! No lengthy back-and-forth communication. (Nails it..."
"Definitely going to continue working with Chris, could not be happier with the songs he's worked on for me"
"Alison is a top-class musician. Highly skilled, efficient, knowledgeable and great to work with. The recordings I got from her were performed to an exceptional standard, recorded to a high quality and the melody/arran..."
"Guys...Nik, as always, is a go to drummer. This project is as groovy as all the others, but acoustic and more laid back. Nik adapted perfectly whether to a chugging acoustic guitar riffer or a tender piano song, his..."