Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Elliott Pritchard
Finishing Records for Talented Music-Makers Top 1% of mastering engineers worldwide (MUSO.AI Charts), Apple Digital Masters certified provider, 12 million streams across Spotify and YouTube.
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Welcome :) So, I'm an artist - with waaaay too many songs in my notebooks- they belong to a good home. I've written on different album styles, along with doing vocals and things but my concentration is lyrical content. I tend to write with a sense of transparency, so you can get the most out of the song, tailoring it to your own style.
Hi my expertise is mixing and producing. I have had several Billboard number one records. I have done most styles of music. My clients range from major labels to indie artists. I have also mixed 3 world tours.
A new age music producer with unique skills in making great music
Motivated and Hardworking Audio engineer with strong recording, mixing and sound designing skills. A team player and decent at communication helping in organizing projects and management of work and time.Let me know how i can help you with my skills.
Turning good songs into hits since 2000 doing what is needed to be done.
AL1MUSIC is an Italian Charting Producer, DJ & Audio Engineer, he worked with a lot of different local and international Artists and Producers reaching the attention of many music magazines and radios, entering the official editorial’s playlist “Novità Rap Italiano” on Spotify. He’s actually based in Milan (Italy) and working on his next releases.
I have 18 years of experience in electronic music production, mixing, mastering and sound design. Currently available for any type of music mixing and/or mastering at affordable prices.
My goal is to get the most out of the music and to create a sound that satisfies the client and the listener.
Recent Successes
"Direckt was great at working with me to get the track right and went through a bunch of revisions with me until it fit my vision. Started off by putting his professional touch on the vocals, then was good to meet up ..."
"Nice working with you. Great mixer very cool to work with."
"Really great guy, incredibly professional and intelligent. As accommodating as can be - and talented, at that. I'd highly recommend working with Peter."
"Ken is easy to work with and he made my song sound great. Thank you Ken!"
"Taylor has been great to work with. He put down deep pocket drum beats with some creative fills. The stems sound amazing and his drumming is exactly what my project needed. "
"Skilled , nice guy's from DyHard Productions :-) Easy and pleasent to work with and deliver what they promise, at a very fair price, I might add."
"Fast turnaround, excellent results - I’m very pleased with how my track sounds. Rob was easy to work with, responded very quickly with feedback and revisions, and most importantly, did a great job."
"Excellent engineer, capable of doing great things with my music and making it feel particular and special on its own. Thanks again for amazing me with this work, Alex :)"