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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with enzil
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Freelance/Contract sound engineer available in most cities across Mississippi.
I am a professional audio engineer and music producer with 10+ years of experience, and I usually do both mixing and mastering.
"CHEAP & HIGH QUALITY"! I create catchy melodies, creative hooks and amazing lines for mainstream Hip Hop, R&B, Pop, Gospel & Christian Rap songs. I also will feature on your songs if you are looking for not just a rapper but an artist. I have been featured on Sway Universe and more. I will also give you tips on how to promote your music as a bonus
One of the most sought after and accomplished guitar players from India
Elevate your sound, dominate the charts, and embark on a journey of musical excellence with Joka Beatz. Contact us now to discuss how we can bring your music to life and create hits that will resonate with audiences worldwide. Your journey to success starts here with Joka Beatz!
Beatport's Chart #100 credits, Get Physical, Go Deeva, Phonique, HMWL. Supported by Black Coffee, Camelphat, Vintage Culture, Alec Monopoly, Marco Carola, David Guetta. Founder of Flowstate Studio in London, Deliver radio-ready & club-ready tracks.
I specialise in writing and recording; passionate vocals, lyrics, layered harmonies as well as acoustic and electric guitar. I am a professionally trained vocalist and obtained a songwriting degree in Hertfordshire. Currently based in Bournemouth.
I approach music in the same likeness as Michael Jordan did with basketball
Recent Successes
"AMAZING JOB! From a mobile recording/demo song with me just me singing and playing guitar to a FULL PRODUCED SONG that it really blew my mind! Highly recommended!"
"The 360 package, that is what Chris is !! This guy is gonna be a star- and someday when he is you will have a song that he sang on LOL "
"She understands what i want in my songs. Such a great musical mind, and i am always blown away from what she can create thanks Kate :) "
"This is my second time working with Luke. He is an incredible singer. He absolutely nailed it both times and took my tracks to a new level. I will definitely continue to use him. Easy to work with, very nice, and a tr..."
"First of all, Alex is a great communicator and sees where you want to go. Even if we start from stratch, I always achieve great beats and great sounds with just minor feedbacks. He is a good guy, who wants to give you..."
"Not only is Erin's skillset first class but the final package is as good as you can expect from any studio. Amazing!"
"Super sweet vocals, beautiful sound, hits you in the feels as well!"
"Amazing collab again"
"It took me 3 people to finally find the perfect engineer to mix and master our songs. Ross was very talented and professional. He's done very creative mixing on our song that I would never even think of. I recommend R..."