Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Joseph Shipp
I'm a seasoned producer, studio owner, and multi-instrumentalist with a handful of Grammy nominations.
Finishing Records for Talented Music-Makers Top 1% of mastering engineers worldwide (MUSO.AI Charts), Apple Digital Masters certified provider, 12 million streams across Spotify and YouTube.
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producer composer
I am an experience audio engineer with 14+ years in the industry. I have been a recording and mixing engineer on countless projects throughout every genre. I grew up as a multi-instrumentalist and can play 7 instruments at a professional level. During school I took 5 years of music theory to expand upon my understanding and writing. I completed the
I'm Matthew. I am a Producer, Mix Engineer, and a Online session guitarist, who wants to help improve the sound of your songs and mixes.
Need guitar tracks? Vocals? Hooks, programming, songwriting? Im hear for ya
If you are looking for catchy melodies, intriguing chord progressions, funky played key licks or some top notch sound design look no further. Happy to help!
The services I offer include vocal recordings (lead and backing vocal arrangements) vocal coaching, top-lining and songwriting. I will deliver dry vocal stems in WAV files that are time aligned. This will save you time and money!
Megan is a DANCE/POP chameleon vocalist & songwriter. Spinnin', Soave, Armada, and countless other labels in the EDM elite have celebrated her vocals. Together with her A-Team of vocal producers + international writers, Megan is responsible for millions of MONTHLY streams worldwide. You are about to hire an unparalleled recipe for hit making!
Recent Successes
"Need your music mixed or mastered go to Chad! He was able to give me my track back the same day. He was a grade A professional and I trust him. Quality sound and quality work! Thanks. "
"It was my second gig with Joe, and I couldn't be more satisfied. This time I asked him to write full topline to my song and he did a fantastic job. He wrote great lyrics too. I asked a few changes after listening to h..."
"Jesse has a truly beautiful voice and knows how to use it both technically and emotionally. I chose him as soon as I heard his brief demo. As he says in his own bio, he's just starting out, and that means just that-..."
"As always Ted did a great job on my song. I've really enjoyed working with Ted over the course of this EP and hope to work with him again in the near future!"
"Fabulous job by Austin as always 5 stars!! Now firmly seated on my mixing and productin team with a stack of material coming through and heading his way. Exciting to see the results in 2023 :)"
"Francois has a great talent for bringing out the best in my music. Its been a pleasure to work with him he's very patient and happy to do my endless revisions. He gets my strongest recommendations!"
"Amazing quality and service as usual! Fabian crushes his work, I'm a house music producer and am always picky on who touches the masters for my records–I can confidently say that Fabian comes through every time. He re..."
"Great quality vocals!"