Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with la repubblica
I'm a Producer, Songwriter and Musician, but not necessarily in that order.
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Shimon Tal (Lasimo)
Producer, Topliner, Songwriter and Mix/Master Engineer.
Another producer on the dole
10 Years of experience in some of the most known genres of music
I developed a sound that relies heavily on chill synths, but leaves space for great vocals at the same time !
I Sing in many languages (English - Arabic - French , a bit of spanich) I Sing many styles (Opera - Rock - Jazz - Blues - Swing - etc...)
I'll make your Spotify Canvases as well your beats. The true Swiss Army Knife of Multimedia... Animation, Beat-Making, Music Videos, Songwriting, Producing, Vocals, Guitar, Drums, Percussion, Piano, Film Scores, Sound Design, Illustration, VFX, Album Covers, Photography, Filmmaking, Apparel Design.... What more could you need?
I create broadcast ready sound alikes or custom music for your project!
Recent Successes
"Patient and professional !!! Very satisfied!!! Recommended!!!"
"Philip is great to work with! He is responsive, very polite and always helpful! Mixing and mastering were done quickly and the final track was amazing! I will surely trust him for the next ones and I highly recommend ..."
"Emmaline is a total joy to work with. She really knows how to nail the feeling of a song and delivers immaculate quality in any respect. I feel privileged to have her sing my songs."
"Wow, Ivy is talented! She has an incredible voice, and has a great personality. I am glad I gave her creative freedom on the song as well because she really captured the feel of it. I look forward to working with her ..."
"Working with Adrian C has been a fantastic experience. He is an exceptional producer, easy to communicate with, and a great professional. I highly recommend him."
"My go to engineer. We've done several mixes together. I'm a proud client."