Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Le Storie Di Selot vol. I-II-III (Original Book Score)
4,000,000+ views on YouTube / Composer, Arranger, World Woodwinds Remote Recording, Engineer based in Bologna, Italy
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Chaka Khan • Bill Withers • John Fogerty • Warner Bro's • Paramount • HBO • SONGS Pub., • UMG • Extremely versatile singer-songwriter able to range in sounding like your favorite artist, to bringing artistry and uniqueness to any new project. Eager for creative challenges and tailor my voice + writing to fulfill your vision.
I am new here on SoundBetter, I'm offering mixing and mastering services. So to get going I will mix your first project free. I will take a minimum of 2 projects a week so please feel free to contact me. If you would like to hear samples I can provide them.
With nearly 20 years of experience behind the boards, I offer remote mixing and mastering services at competitive rates.
A Topliner songwriter, I specialize in a freestyle vocal style. I can hear a beat and have many different things to sing to it on the spot. I also compose my own beats and music. Play a little piano and a bit of guitar to write my own music but Iam mainly a vocalist so I only taught myself to compose digitally to have my own songs to sing to.
Music is my life. If you feel the same way, hit me up.
Unconventional, vibrant, and undoubtedly creative productions canvas Aron Enoch's extensive musical catalog. From lush, glitched-out productions in the comedy-pop duo Le Snake, to glamorous bubblegum atmospheres with regular client & pop princess RYL0 or punk rock infused techno tracks for web-celeb Saturnultra, Aron does it all with style.
I am a professional bass player and I work with top Ukrainian pop/rock artists as a session musician and play live and TV shows.
Recent Successes
"2nd time working with chad & not the last time either, communication, work ethic, & quality is just a few to add to the list of talents.."
"Another fantastic job done. Top flight professional vocal delivery oozing with passion and style. Very pleased. Thanks Jakey."
"Very good work. Helpful! Worked hard to get sound right. Easy to work with"
"When I first heard her marvelous voice, and her way to work, I understood she is my perfect fit. Then, after sending my track, I've got proof of it. When Katey sketched the backing vocals parts, asking me if liked wh..."
"Amazing! He goes above and beyond . I’ll definitely use him on my next project. "
"To work with Zakhar was a real delightful experience. He provided my song with the most beautiful string arrangement, which fit perfectly and caught the essence of the song. Hopefully I will have the pleasure to ask f..."
"Alanna is the kind of artist of whom you want to collaborate. When you are clear with your vision, Alanna will deliver beautifully dynamic vocals. Her voice is gorgeous and controlled. For my project, she was the ..."
"Working again with Nate was a big pleasure. Perfectly in the mood with great taste and touch! Great drummer, he immediately entered the song mood and provided me with what I was looking for. I will definitely work wi..."
"Gioppo is great!"