Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Maldita Vecindad Live Show Co- Mixinng & editor
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I'm specialized in making all type of beats
I'm standing at the beginning of my great career. Unfortunately, I'm not Lorde or Billie Eilish, so as 19-years-old-person I wrote only songs for my friends and the hymn of prom in my school. I also played in many nightclubs in my hometown Tallinn. Let's unite and achieve even greater goals!
First Class mixing and mastering for artist.visit my website and listen my projects
MONKEY MARKET Music Production, 10086 Rivarolo Canavesefavorite_borderfavoriteMONKEY MARKET are an alternative/indie rock band and a cross genre music production studio from Italy. We self produce our music 360 degrees from audio recording to mixing and mastering. We can provide music composition services in all the pipeline from songwriting up to mastering.
You Listen, You Dance and You Enjoy when the Switch is On.
MASTER YOUR TRACKS TO C90 TAPE and get cassette tape duplicates made professionally
10 Year Rap Music Producer and Mixing Engineer. Work with: Travis Scott, Pusha T, Sean "Diddy" Combs and French Montana. Former Bad Boy Records Marketing.
Air purifiers
Recent Successes
"Simms is a great vocalist and a professional. Will be happy to work with him again. "
"Amazing did such a good job on a song others couldn't mix for some reason definitely will be back "
"Benny is absolutely professional in every way. His communication was extremely clear, his response was quick. He was very quick to fix any issues or suggestions on mix and master. Highly recommend. He took the song to..."
"Did a great job. Super quick and is able to work with you. Definitely recommend."
"Working with Bryan for the first time and it definitely won't be the last. The Pedal Steel he sent me was perfect on the first pass. Sounds amazing! "
"Nicolas was 10/10 to work with. Very professional, really kind & approachable, and he was super communicative so I was never in the dark about how the project was going or where he was at with his workflow. On top of ..."
"So awesome to work with!! Super responsive and quick. Really went above and beyond and I couldn't be happier. I hired him to work on my vocals and the vocal tracks he sent back sound great and he even added a really n..."
"Amazing work on the keys! I love the emotion that comes out when you play. Another fantastic song."
"Shelley was a pleasure to work with! She brought passion, creativity, imagination and vocal skill- and helped bring my song to another level. She was quick and accurate with feedback. Much appreciated- we will cert..."
"Ethan was really great to work with. He deliver some killer vocals and I would absolutely use Ethan again. Thanks for a great job Ethan!"