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Oildale Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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My name is Julian Magalhaes and i play in a band called Desmire. In my spare time, I mix and master projects for either myself or other people. This is a song i recorded, mixed, mastered, and programmed completely by myself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VeQVjQxeAQ
I'am a Recording and Mixing Engineer based out of New York.
Looking forward to work in every proyect that need a sound engineer. Such as music, audivisuals, etc.
Professionally Mixed and Mastered tracks at low prices
Shows ao vivo. Ítala toca e canta músicas de diversos cantores brasileiros.
Your bassline with a special touch and sound!
Let's bring your music/song idea to life together! I will collaborate with you to create your unique sound and take it off the ground.
Recent Successes
"Fred did a great job with the finishing touches of the Master. Also adjusted accordingly to changes I wanted."
"Having worked with Josiah a few times before I had no doubts that he would deliver some fantastic vocals (and in good time) yet again. His voice is solid gold... better still, platinum!! Thank you Josiah!! "
"It has been such a pleasure to be able to work with Tom once again! He is a great person, an excellent drummer and his ideas and creativity bring your productions to another level! "
"Yoed is an incredible musician. Absolutley top tier and on another level. His playing is second to none on Soundbetter. If you need the best strings on your project, you need Yoed. Fantastic experience all around. Gre..."
"It was seriously a pleasure to work with one of my favorite songwriters of all time. Her lyrical ideas are phenomenal and melodies are beautiful. I will definitely be reaching out to her for my next project!"
"Michael is one of the most talented vocalists I have worked with. His deep emotional yet soft voice was ideal for my song. He understood what I was looking for and made the song his own. Very grateful for having worke..."
"Really loved to work with Taia! Her voice is amazing and it's cool to know she already worked with legends like the hitmen! Besides that she was fast and flexibel and she really did everything she can to make everythi..."