Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rare Breed
Audio Engineer with over 20 years of experience in Hard Rock. - studio mixing - vocal tuning - editing Specializing in hard rock and metal. https://soundcloud.com/user-792077189/sets/jim-simmons-mi
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Audio engineering services available at $20/h. Studio musicians in house and on call. Tracking, mixing, mastering, and on site recordings available. Let me know if we can be of service, check out our soundcloud! https://soundcloud.com/undergroundalliance
Natalia B. Herrera is a Colombian mastering engineer based in São Paulo (Brazil). With a degree as a Music Producer from Anhembi Morumbi's University of São Paulo and a Mastering Techniques from Berklee College of Music.
Production duo. writing melodies and providing radio ready instrumentals. Classically trained cellist and Ableton Production. Sound Design, vocal tuning, film scoring, beat making.
Won Gold in the AES Student Recording Competition for "Mountain Garden" Masters of Music in Sound Recording from McGill University Bachelors of Music in Percussion Performance from McGill University
Mixing Engineer specializing in Hip-Hop/Rap & R&B with 8 years experience and a Bachelors Degree in Audio Engineering from California State University - Dominguez Hills.
Sound artist with 10 years of experience in producing and mixing electronic music. My own maximalist production style has made me a mixer with attention to even the tiniest detail. I can create space in complex arrangements and can make minimal compositions sound grandios.
Seasoned with years of freelancing through gigs, tours, features, collaborations and recording sessions, Stuart Brignell is truly a noteworthy up and coming producer, saxophonist and creative in the global underground scene. His taste and fervour as a record maker is matched only by his precision and musical prowess on the alto saxophone.
I am a self taught, versatile music producer and mixing/mastering engineer - for all your modern rap/trap, pop and dancehall. After 4 years of practice, I've been able to make producing & engineering my professional career and I find great joy in helping others take their music to its highest potential!
Recent Successes
"Amazingly talented songwriters and vocalists, the Pen Up Girls wrote and recorded an entire vocal from scratch and absolutely knocked it out of the park. Highly recommended and will definitely be working with them aga..."
"Fantastic work, great response times and excellent pricing"
"Awesome vocalist, unique voice, fast delivering and professional working...definitely would recommend it! "
"Such great results. I'm able to spin my songs alongside songs from the biggest labels and the quality is identical."
"Dan has savant like mixing abilities! We couldn't be more happy and impressed with Dan/Liquid Studio mixes. Fast, friendly, professional and an amazing, jaw dropping mix!"
"I loved to work with Jessica and I am very happy about the song ! Hope to work again with her in the future :)"
"Another fantastic job!!! I'm Radio ready now!!!"
"Thanks again Camilo for what a great job you did. You are a super nice guy and take my music to the next level. I love your style. You are clearly one of the best master engineers here on SoundBetter. Thank you very m..."
"It is always a pleasure to work with Jonas. Highly skilled musician and arranger!"
"Deza produced exactly what we needed in a very short period of time; she was thoughtful and professional, and very talented. Would definitely work with her again."
"Every session with Vargenta is beyond amazing! What's crazy is even after a bunch of sessions, it doesn't get boring or tiring. He always keeps it fun and loves vibing to good music! Can't thank him enough for ..."