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Santa Vitória do Palmar Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I am audio engineer with 15+years experience in recording, mixing. I am also session / live drummer with tour experience. Most of my initial experience was on post production studios and live, but after some years now I can really focus on my music recording studio which is my passion.
I am a producer, arranger and drummer based in Toronto, Ontario specializing in indie, rock and electronic music.
Ma spécialisation et la composition , le Beat making et la performance Dj Live mes composition sont un mélange de mes influence funk rnb ,dance rock .... j'essaye de construire des composition qui ne ressemble à aucunes autres pour le seul plaisir du public.
Book and get your next hit song beat
Guitarist with Ziggy Marley and Vida Blue. Recorded/toured with Shakira, Glen Campell, Dido, Page McConnell Luis Fonsi, Colbie Callait, Chris Brown, and many more...
Hi! I am a dedicated artist/producer looking to deliver exceptional musical services. With a passion for connecting through music, I offer a range of services including vocals, songwriting, and music production.
i am a producer , sound designer
Credits w/ Arin Ray, Dreezy, and many Indie Artists spanning multiple genres. Mixing is my passion and I provide professional radio ready mixes with a fast turnaround. Genres I usually work in are Hip-Hop, Rap, R&B, Indie Rock/Pop, Shoegaze, Singer Songwriter, Country, Folk, and more.
Recent Successes
"Amazing! Simply Amazing! Super fast, great communication, unique voice! I love it!"
"I really enjoyed working with Rioux. The song sounds awesome now, thanks to his contribution. Will definitely work with him again, given the opportunity."
"Simon's playing is just wonderful! He understood the project and what I needed, and added his own creativity to the brief, too. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend Simon."
"Aaron is very professional and expressed excellent flexibility working on this project. I appreciated how hard he worked to get these tracks back to me in such short notice. I went from one song to four, and he unders..."
"Phenomenal to work with and has great creative energy! Definitely an enhancement to any project, thankyou."
"Great service all round. Tracks completed with care and efficiency. Will definitely use his services again. Highly recommend."
"Again I’m very pleased with the results from working with Guy for a second time. He restored clarity and gave life to an old production of mine. He’s a pleasure to work with and has quite a quick turn over time :) "
"With Warren at the mic, all you do is be as clear as you can with direction, because he'll nail it if you know how to ask a singer for singer stuff. My song is so happy it has Warren on it. Now to hope someone fin..."