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Sebeș Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Will make you your most popular song.
As a graduate from the world class program at Icon Collective School of Music in Los Angeles I'm a Singer/Songwriter of 12 years, Producer of 9 Years and Instrumentalist now having the technical knowledge of some of the biggest names in Pop, and EDM.
Hey everyone! I’m Eduardo, also known as Rell The Soundbender. I’ve produced and released on labels such as Def Jam,Universal, OWSLA , Interscope and many more. I have plenty of records and beats available to you for lease for your projects! I believe there’s always that next one up and I’m here to help you create that next sound!
Powerful rock singer & background vocalist for Gwen Stefani with wide 3.5 octave range like Kelly Clarkson, P!nk or Hayley Williams of Paramore. As heard on TV specials and movies on Netflix, Hulu, FOX, NBC and Disney. Let's record some lead vocal or BGVs on your next project! Click the contact button above to get in touch.
I'm a Grammy nominated engineer who came up through the legendary Sunset Sound Recorders in Hollywood. I've had the opportunity to work with the best in the business and apply what I've learned to make your music sound amazing.
My goal is to extract the best of each song and artist I work with. We aim for our clients to be 100% satisfied with our work.
Hip Hop / Rap Ghost Producer. Mission to revolutionize the genre with worldwide cooperation. Aim to help small producers collecting experience and inspiration.
Focused on songwriting, from hard tune to soft ballad as long as I find the right inspiration.
Recent Successes
"Mike has the ability to turn good sounding music into great sounding music. He'll deffo make your music sound more "expensive" and professional. Mike also has a contagious positive and enthusiastic spirit about him..."
"Great service, fast delivery very professional looking forward to a new project with Marshall"
"Great guy ... good at what he does "
"Enrico is a very talented and creative producer. He captured instantly what we had in mind. He is also a super patient guy and always in a good mood. "
"Lucas did an amazing job in listening to what I wanted for my song and delivered on time! The quality of the mix itself was top-notch! This will not be last time I work with you! "
"Great quality of service , communication and experience overall . I'm really happy with the result ."
"What can I say about Scott Foster Harris that hasn’t already been said by me and many others; what an incredible man he is; amazing songwriter vocals out of this world pure God given talent! Do yourself a favor and hi..."
"The feedback Sam provided, was incredibly impactful and in depth - amazing wealth of knowledge."
"Dennis is so good when it comes to mixing and mastering, he delivers fast, you don't need a lot of revisions, he hits hard at the 1st one! highly recommended "
"As always, an amazing artist to work with! Highly recommend. Such a beautiful, emotional voice! Thanks Aly!"