Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Suzanne Waters
I’m a Grammy-nominated engineer with 20+ years in the music business. I'm also a multi-instrumentalist well-versed in music theory. You're song(s) will be approached with the highest degree of musicality and technical prowess.
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Where passion is the main focus
i am artist and songwriter
Let's make great music together!
Guitar Bass Piano Mix Mastering ...
I’m an expert with a sound obsession.
HeAlihaider also known as Ali haider (born October 1995, Chapai Nawabganj, Bangladesh) is a Bangladeshi musician.
As a synth and keyboard player, I've released 6 albums since 2019 and currently work under the net-label, Marly Records.
I am a versatile and skilled musician with a keen ear for detail and passion for creating unique, captivating sounds. whether it’s crafting beats, arranging compositions, refining mix or playing guitar and bass. I am dedicated to elevating the sonic experience and delivering the music that resonates with audiences.
Recent Successes
"Nate did great, blew away my expectations. His vocal performance really helped take the song to the next level. "
"Great service, very flexible with revisions if there is anything that needs to be done and super high quality Definitely would recommend :)"
"Once again, Mitch has delivered outstanding work for my project, bringing my vision closer to reality. I will never grow tired of not only working with him, but giving him his well deserved props. My repitition here s..."
"Max is a very talented producer he will design just the type of sound you are looking for your project. Easy to talk with and always available to his clients, very quick to respond! "
"I was after an authentic 70s drum sound and Bruno nailed it right out of the gate. Although I was pickier about the drum groove, he without hesitating delivered the version that I was happy with. If you need drums he'..."
"This guy is a legend in the flesh with the synth work "
"Alex came through with some incredible sax playing that I couldn't be happier with! I asked for a section where he replayed a melody I had written in a soft style, another part in a more aggressive style, then gave hi..."
"Wow! My track really rocks and it hasn't even got the vocals on yet! Killian is a joy to work with and I cannot recommend highly enough. His willingness and attention to detail to make the final track an outstanding p..."
"Aaron is a beast he was able to make my master sound exactly the way I imagined. Really happy with his work. He achieved the commercial loudness, sheen, and stereo width I was looking for."
"Nathan did a fine job in singing on my project. He was easy to work with and delivered in a very prompt manner. Highly recommended!"