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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Effigy
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Mixing and Mastering engineer, 15 years of experience, working out of my own studio.
Pre Produccion. Produccion. Mix
Making sound a bit better
Experienced Singer/Songwriter for 7+ years. Always ready and available to write melodies, lyrics and chords - hand catered to you. Specialize in Acoustic Pop / Pop / Pop-Rock and Folk with a flare of Jazz and Soul &Blues. As a vocalist; trained for 8+ years with a 3+ octave range - can sing any genre,high and low with ease.
IG: vincejohnmusic
I've worked with the main Brazilian artists and recorded many things for TV like The Voice (Brazil), The Four and several soundtracks. Almost everything about Acoustic guitars (steel and classical) and Electric is possible. Preference for Brazilian, Pop, Folk, Funk and Modern "beats".
Ciao! I'm an Italian DJ/Producer based in Siena. Some of my songs got streamed more than 1 million times. Lately I've been seeking new genres and musical worlds to express myself... But my main genre still remains Deep House!
Tess Greenham is a mastering engineer in Los Angeles, who has been working alongside her father and mentor (John Greenham) for the last two years. She has assisted him on projects from artists such as Billie Eilish, Lady Gaga, Bo Burnham, Finneas, Tinashe, Sigrid, Gracie Abrams, Girl In Red, Alexander 23, Cautious Clay, Donna Missal,
Recent Successes
"Brent is extremely talented and was able to take the sound I had in my head and integrate it seamlessly into the project. Highly recommend collaborating with him!"
"Brent is a Guitar God! Stop reading these reviews and have him bless your tracks! I think he can read minds... yeah, I'm pretty sure he can read minds. I gave him a general idea of what I was thinking of in my head an..."
"Really sick combo of fast replies, talented writing and incredible singing. Doesn’t get any better than this! Highly recommend "
"Working with Ylva Brandtsegg ha been a truly amazing experience. She is a really skilled producer with innovative and creative ideas. She brings a lot to the table songwriting wise, with her insights and strong top li..."
"I have hired Della for a half dozen tracks now. She "crushes" it every single time! I have exhausted all my superlatives:) Della is extremely professional, she takes directions well, and always comes through with an a..."
"Realized I never left Elliot a review after he mastered a track for me a while ago, but it needs to be said that he is just amazing. Tracks came back super fast and I had no complaints! Left a lot of life in the track..."
"Another job with excellent results ! Thank you Marcelo !"
"This is the first time I’ve worked with Brandon and he absolutely killed it! His vocals are awesome, and I’ve already hired him for another song. "