Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tobias the Owl
Need a dreamy singer-songwriter for your dark track? Or an energetic one for EDM? Poetic & metaphor heavy or clear & simple pop lyrics? I can help you tell your story or bring a new one to the table. I can provide lyrics, melody, vocals, and/or toplining. Let's collaborate!
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My name is Igor Bilheri from Brazil.
With 15 years experience, I take care of every project as my own.
Mixing, Mastering, editing and pitching voice
A skilled audio engineer with experience as a musician , producer and rap artist. Trevis T.'s beats mixes and production been featured on Hulu, MTV, HBO , USA Network and TopMusic Japan. With the ability to include engineering experience and production background Trevis is able to bring any song to life.
If your looking for a catchy hook to drawn in listeners I can provide that for you or a full song that will do the same. https://rapfame.app/user/jeleesabailey All of my reviews are on there to.
Strive and go higher
I`m composer, pianist and arranger from Uklraine. Gradueted from Kyiv Conservatorie in 2000, got PhD in Art Science in 2021. I have a huge experience in creating music for orchestra, choir, piano, chamber and vocal ensembles in different genres from jazz to avantgarde. More about me - https://andrijbondarenko.wordpress.com/in-english/
Recent Successes
"Amber is a real gift. Not only is she a great singer, but she is a great technician, delivers multiple stems ready for mixing, adds her creative input and is very easy to work with. I strongly recommend her."
"Deep understanding of nowadways mastering requirements (digital platforms). Explained everything in detail, has its own sound that is very impressive!"
"William is so intuitive and pleasant to work with. Fantastic skills. He is also very bright and has a great sense of humour."
"Great ear for music, very professional production and nice communication."
"Working with Benny is always a phenomenal experience. Not only does he deliver impeccable mixes, he also delivers impeccable communication. Being on the same page with a collaborator is a vital key to a successful pro..."
"My experience with Torch has been great. He dedicated a lot of time and energy to my product/music, and our communication was smooth. We will be working together again. Thank you Torch I am very pleased. "
"Julian gave me an excellent service and he made it quick to the point I was satisfied with my request in no matter of time. If you’re looking for real talent, Julian is the right guy to take your project to another le..."
"Another One!!! Straight up fire. Once again I had no need to make any changes or send any notes. Ariel's got a sixth sense (maybe a seventh as well)."
"Jonas mastered my new upcoming single and I was just completely blown away by his talent, professionalism, and patience. He worked with me until I was 100 percent happy with it, down to the tiniest detail. Will defini..."