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Tucci Way Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Music producer & Mixing engineer based out of India.
I am an artist myself and have been making music for over 10 years now. I understand how important it is for an artist to get their vision to life and that's why i'm here to make sure my clients get what they ask for. I specialize mostly in Hip-Hop, R&B and Pop Music.
You are on right place for to feed your soul with the best quality and unique music.
Tasty, melodic treatments to complement your lyrics and fit the tone you need. Known by engineers as "first-take Freddy". Solos and rhythm work. 30-year Tempe, Arizona-scene veteran.
I've been making records for over 3 decades. I can help you make yours better.
Your recordings sound great. You are either too close to the project to mix objectively, mixing is not your forte because you are an artist, or you just need someone to take your art to a new place. I’m with you. I can help take your project to the next level, ready for radio/streaming/that 500 copy vinyl deal you just got. Let’s talk.
Belfast based musician I have been featured on numerous radio playlisted tracks with thousands of streams worldwide. Lead songwriter and guitarist of Baroda.
Stainlez BND is a Nigerian Singer-songwriter, Music Distributor & Lyricist
Recent Successes
"Excellent work, on time. Will definitely come back."
"She always makes my work to be easier. This project sounds so much better than my expectation."
"Insane talent + Beautiful Voice + Top Notch Professionalism = Romy Dya Romy is one of the most talented and versatile artists on this platform. Work with her before it's too late! She'll be a star soon!"
"My fam always rises to the occasion on the masterings. My Go-to!"
"She communicates very well and progresses quickly for the work. Also she has a nice voice and reflects the requirements of recording songs. I want to work with her again."
"Michael is a super talented guy, a true professional and a pleasure to work with. Truly open to work to get things on point. Love his vocal take on this song...took it to a whole new level. Will definitely work with h..."
"Great mix from Lee. Fast and professional. Very helpful when I had to make some last minute changes."