Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Turbo Thursday
Certified mixing engineer working free of charge. Revisions included.
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Hello! My name is Vance McCain also known as DjAdvance. My goal is to bring out the best in each artist I work with. I am dedicated to helping you bring your project to life. Contact me: vmccain@djadvance.com
Available for your live sessions or recording background vocals remotely. Excellent ear for harmony!! I look forward to working with you on your next project!
I've been tracking, mixing, mastering, and editing music and sound since 1998. I've worked with a variety of genres, and am familiar with all types of equipment.
Producer, Guitarist and Composer based in LA. Ramon has produced, written and played on tracks that have been featured in hit TV shows (Pretty Little Liars, Jane the Virgin, From Dusk ´till Dawn and many reality shows), ads or with artists and bands (Elis Paprika, Constelación). Always looking for that "extra" spark that make a track stand out!
If you have a song with a soul I'll gladly lay the groove down for you and you'll love it.
I'm a songwriter, lyricist, singer, top-liner and and all-round weirdo. I write songs from scratch, including lyrics, melodies and chords. I want you to feel good about the song you're creating. I can also provide only lyrics, a melody or vocals. You name it, I got you.
I'm a Music Producer and Mixing/Mastering Engineer I really love all kind of music genra. In the last few year I tried my self in many different situation with many different music genres to help finish projects. I'm really happy to help in your project. I working quick and I always ready for new challenges.
I'm a professional guitarist specialised in progressive metal, I also play all genres of music.
Recent Successes
"2nd time work with Alex VanTrue.. amazing singer.. can produce a vocal thats make our song was perfect.. get well soon dude...we will have a lots of song for you to sing "
"Easy to work with. Communication is good, he does a good job, quite fast, and then he does unlimited revisions which is something crucial when working with someone online. Besides his price is very competitive. Taking..."
"I’m speechless. Gekko has some CRAZY talent and makes FIRE beats. Amazing delivery time as well:) I will definitely be working with him again in the future!!!!"
"Always amazing! "
"Joey has a really deep and unique voice. His vocal range is large and controlled. It's great work!"
"Just finishing up one last track for the year and Cory put the icing on the cake. I love this guy's work. Highest recommendation. "
"Cory is sooooo good! He really has become my secret sauce, and the quality tracks he adds to my tunes is instantly noticeable. Even my engineer raves about his playing! "
"Brian was the mixing and mastering engineer for a classical work I composed. The end product is outstanding. I gave Brian a very detailed list of notes for the mix and he nailed every single one. He is an extremely..."