Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Vamp - Huso
Unleash your musical vision with an experienced audio engineer, composer & producer renowned for turning sounds into unique sonic experiences. Together, let's elevate your project!
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I'm a UK based Engineer/Producer/Mixer living in Cardiff. I've had a great time working with some amazing people over the last couple of years so if you are interested in working with me then get in contact. Check out my sounds at https://soundcloud.com/tim-clapson/sets/sample-of-my-work
!!!!ASK ME FOR DEMOS!!!! Welcome! My name is Ryan and I am here to work with YOU on your new project! I have the skills and the tools at my disposal to take this project to the next level! I am very excited to be partnering with you on this and look forward to seeing the great outcome of this project! Lets get started!
Academic, Thesis and Dissertation Writing
Hey! My name is Ben Todd and for 10 years I toured the world with Cirque du Soleil as a drummer and bandleader. During this time, I recorded tracks for clients in studios all over the US, as well as establish my home studio back in Australia. I've since been recording and producing live drum and percussion tracks from home, and I love it!
Henry Santos is an original member of the legendary latin group Aventura. He is also known as a founding father of Modern Bachata, a romantic and soothing music style from the Dominican Republic. Multi-awarded over his 20+ years of career in the industry. Produces, arranges, writes and has directed voices of Thalia & Christian Castro among others.
Available for Music creativity, Sound design, Post-production, Mixing services, DAW lessons and professional Audio work.
Create Your Sound and finish YOUR Vision
Charlie Keeper is a 2D & 3D Motion Designer from London with 15 years of industry experience, with a focus on music and branding. Music visual credits include VHS Collection, Murkage Dave, Tor and Alps 2. Formerly working at DesignStudio, Stereo Creative and Tommy.
Recent Successes
"Della is very good and a real professional. Her vocals are top notch. Highly recommended! "
"Thank you Sander, for a really insigthful and proffesionel collaboration. provided not just a great mastering , that offered knowledgable attention to detail, but also ended up improving many things in the actual mix...."
"Cameron is such a sweet girl and awesome to work With, we just worked on a title track together and she’s the real deal when it comes to talent! I’ll definitely come back for more songs in the future! "
"Oleg Bezuglov is a virtuoso violin player, a magnificent composer and arranger. There are moments in life when one is blessed enough to find a musician like Oleg. For me, music is more than the art of combining sounds..."
"Another fab job thanks Rob"
"Loved working with Josh! He is a super talented musician and producer. Very attentive to detail! He really cares about making the music sound just right and is super easy to work with. I was really happy with how my s..."
"Simply always great work! I can highly recommend it"
"Roy's expertise really amazed us. The project was complex as it is but Roy was very diligent and receptive of what we wanted from the project and delivered above our expectations."