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Villa Yacanto Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I am an experience audio engineer with 14+ years in the industry. I have been a recording and mixing engineer on countless projects throughout every genre. I grew up as a multi-instrumentalist and can play 7 instruments at a professional level. During school I took 5 years of music theory to expand upon my understanding and writing. I completed the
As a songwriter and artist I have 8 BMI awards, platinum record credits, an HBO theme song, tons of film/TV synchs, and a #1 Country radio song. As a bass player (or anything else I play) I live to serve the song. It's not about flash; it's about class.
I am a recording producer and film composer. I have major credits and my specialty is in the Cinematic production of songs and or soundtrack scores. I have collaborated with renowned Golden Globe-winning singer for "Gladiator" & "Dune" band member of Dead Can Dance - Lisa Gerrard. You can find samples on my site and YouTube.
Kirk Spencer is a music producer melding together elements of dance music and eastern exotica into his own intimate and atmospheric craft, his music released on his own strangerzoo label brought widespread acclaim.
An artist’s producer, I specialize in creating the vibe that is right for you. I have an extensive knowledge of theory and sounds to help you define, articulate and achieve your goals. Let’s get to work!
Capable sound engineer with two years’ experience in live music halls & music studios, seeking to develop himself in sound related areas.
I can provide you with that personal, genuine, and raw touch you are looking to add to your track with my lyrics and melodies. My passion is writing lyrics that tell a truthful story, almost like a diary entry. I'm a classically trained singer with a wide vocal range that is workable with whatever creative needs you are wanting.
Alchemist of Sound.
Recent Successes
"I wish I could give Rob 6 stars. He goes above and beyond to make sure every little detail is met to your standards. Not to mention the fact that he cares about your song as much as you do. Definitely work with this t..."
"Song 5 for the ep ANGEL we had a vision where we wanted to go . Marcello nailed it once again. Been a awesome year."
"We created a very energetic EDM song. Skam did a fantastic job on the recordings. 🙏"
"Best artist ever worked with. Incredible composer and future superstar for sure. In love with all the projects we have in common."
"Great communication, creative ideas, and works fast. Highly Recommend!"
"Very good and fast work! Its every projekt, the best people for work!"
"Amazing! So professional and fun to work with. Thanks to her musical skills and instincts, my song is so many levels higher. Her work is seriously top notch- I 100% recommend Julia!"
"I know people would think I know this team personally but I don’t. They are truly masters at their craft. I just had a song that mixed and mastered and the quality is unbelievable. Thanks again for your attention to d..."
"Daniel has truly brought my music to life. Initially, I got my music mixed by a guy who over processed everything and took away all of the dynamics. Daniel took my song into his hands and made it something really spec..."
"Daniel and his team took songs that I was already proud of in the production stage and brought them to an entirely new level in the mix. He was fast, thorough, responsive, passionate, and brilliant, with an incredibly..."