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West Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with West
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ESQ Audio, offering remote mixing and mastering from a variety of studios in the North-West of England.
Recording, Mixing, & Mastering Engineer based in the deserts of Phoenix, Arizona! After working as a head engineer at Serenity West & Sound Factory Studios in Los Angles, i've taken the talents I've learned working along side some of the the biggest names in the music industry and opened up the studio doors the rest of the world.
Previously a full-time studio owner operator, after years away I am making a move back to the music!
Ryan specializes in mixing bands in a variety of genres including rock, folk, jazz, r&b, and pop. Ryan can also provide guitar and bass guitar composition and session work.
Hey! I’m a student at SAE Expressions college majoring in sound engineering.
Auditions for the Voice , American Idol and Americas got talent. I can Sing lead, or back up harmonies, mix down a track.
Rolling Stone featured Singer-songwriter. Can literally see the colours of music (not kidding) I believe in singing and writing songs from what I feel and observe around my everyday surroundings.
COMING SOON! * So, I've Performed all over the world including Las Vegas. Graduated from Arts Ed back in 2009. Powerful rock, pop and and theatre style vocals. Leading West End performer in We Will Rock You, Rock Of Ages & RENT. Other shows include Legally Blonde, Jesus Christ Superstar, and The Book of Mormon. 15 years professional experience!
Recent Successes
"Kirsten is a total pro! We're so grateful to have found her. She arrived early with a fantastic attitude and nailed every note with ease and style! Can't wait to work with her again!!"
"He offers quite acceptable price for really professional vocals and fast completed job. Highly recommended!"
"Paul plays with such incredible feel! Good guy. Speedy turnaround. Super versatile. His chops are out of this world. I feel really lucky to have him play on my track. "
"Immensely talented, very professional, good overall vibe. 5 stars for sure!"
"I cannot tell you how happy I am with the song Draco mixed and mastered for me! He works relentlessly and his communication explaining his tricks and styles gives the perfect asset to the direction desired. His knowle..."
"Once again, another completed track by Alex. Alex always produces excellent quality, and knows exactly what we are looking for. Cannot say enough about his vocals! He brings it!!"
"Cole continuously hits the nail on the head regardless of genre. Works with you to bring your vision to life, would absolutely recommend to anyone looking to level up their songs "