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93429 Papantla Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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If you don't like the song I write for you...You'll absolutely LOVE IT 😉.
I have had many singing competitions and have won 7/10 but the songs were not original. I have ghost written many tracks for others along with my own. Competed in a few rap battles and have won. Songs on Soundcloud. FREE $0
No detail is too small.
I can play and compuse any genre !
I’m a recording artist and engineer, and I’ve studied at SAE. I have worked in studios and currently work out of my home studio. I love to create and collaborate.
I am the lyrical translator responsible for writing, recording, and performing The Lyrical Genius EP; 5 tracks that capture the essence of the art of being an emcee. Slick wordplay, storytelling, an in-depth depiction of life after college, and the harsh realities that come with it, and even something nice and smooth for the ladies.
Mixer Gospel
I am a female singer with a broad vocal range. I am mostly a contralto or alto singer. My voice sits comfortably in the lower register, allowing me to bring warmth and depth to performances. I excel in expressing emotion and delivering powerful, resonant performances. I have written several songs, sung for weddings and small venues.
Recent Successes
"Amazing voice and super sharp pop sensibility. Combining a dynamic songwriting process with being able to intuitively come up with catchy hooks and melodies will guarantee you the song you had imagined. Highly recommend!"
"Charlie was so amazing to work with! He was so patient and helped me work through my ideas and bring them to life as well as assist me in areas that I wasn’t sure about. Loved working with him and am hoping to again i..."
"It was great to work with Ayrian on our project! She's delivered incredible vocals and it was a quick turnaround. Will definitely be working with her again in the future! "
"Found my new go on bass, consistently kills it!"
"Alvaro did a great job ! It was great to work with him : my music sounds better with his piano parts , he played what I asked him and even more and the delivery was on time. Malik "
"Josh delivers quality, detail orientated mixes and masters every single time. I'm on my 3rd song completed by him. I'm blown away by the depth and consistency of each track."
"Mariami was super helpful along the way, and very responsive to our messages. She helped drafted a beautiful English lyric based on our Chinese version. And even after I finished the job, she was still very helpful an..."