Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with A Devil's Daydream
Trained by Grammy winning engineer Blake La Grange, and spent 20+ years performing/producing with extreme metal acts Devourment, Wrought of Obsidian, A Devil's Daydream, Suture, Martyred, & more. Metal, EDM, rock, and hip hop I gravitate to most, however I have an ear for all musical styles. My aim is to achieve the desired sound you envision.
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I am a creator. I love anything and everything. I don't have enemies - only friends.
We assure you low cost prices for a professional top sound cause we believe in the study of all the genres to achieve different sounds.
Award winning mixing and mastering engineer, producer, & songwriter. Studio designed to both track and master.
Been pushin' buttons makin' people sound good for about 5 Years.
Music composer based in Mexico who specializes on film/commercial scoring such as movie soundtracks or ambient music.
I’m pretty down to earth. I’d love to help you create whatever music you want to.
Get your Professional Sound! With your unique ideas and my expertise, I can help you with the industry standard sound you've always wanted ; from mixing/mastering to a session artist we can make your music come to life and give it the edge it needs to make your mark in the industry.
soy un cantante compositor y productor especializado mayormente en los generos comerciales dandole un toque latino y unico a cada obra musical
Recent Successes
"Will is easy to work with and always delivers high quality work. He really adds to the track with his violin parts that go together perfectly with whats already down."
"This is the second project I have worked with Rob on, and just as the first one, he knocked it out of the park again! Highly recommended. High quality work at an affordable price. Thanks Rob!"
"I do not normally write review. But I gotta leave this review for my man Q. I really enjoyed working with Q, and he was very responsible producer and song writer to work with. He also guided me so many things..."
"I needed a single mixed and mastered, and Alan did an amazing job. Communication was good, he worked with me until we got it right, he got it done ahead of schedule and the track sounds even better than I had hoped!"
"wanted a bit of feedback on songwriting. was very kind! thank you "
"I hired Cory because of his beautiful, clean, professional sounding demos. He did not disappoint. He elevated the guitar part that I had written for a song and really brought my vision to life in a way that I could no..."
"Nate is an incredibly talented drummer with an extremely quick turnaround time. He is super receptive to feedback and made edits super quickly. Nate is a joy to work with and couldn't recommend him more. I give him 6/..."
"Bailey was great to work with. Super responsive and professional. Thanks!"
"Yuika's demos in Soundbetter immediately appealed to me and made me want to collaborate with her on a single. In short, in addition to having a beautiful voice and her own style/vibe, Yuika knows how to work profes..."