Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Absa G
Born Mexican, raised in Pakistan; as of now, Josh has worked as a music producer, guitarist and songwriter, with top Hip Hop, Pop and RnB artists mainly from the Latinamerican community such as: Gera MX, Charles Ans, Nanpa Básico, Teorema, Lancer Lirical, Dromedarios Mágicos, Absa G, Adan Cruz, and more...
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Hey I'm Michael, I provide Mixing and Session Drummer services. I go above and beyond on every project I work on always pushing myself to achieve the best results. I've had the pleasure of recording and mixing bands locally for years and want to move into a solely mixing role. I've also played drums for many original and cover acts!
I'm a 20 plus year veteran in the music industry having worked for Russell Simmons and Teddy Riley. I a multifaceted keyboard player. I produce music in the following genres, Gospel, R&B, Hip Hop and Jazz. i am university trained with a BA from Queens College, NY, The Brooklyn Conservatory Of Music, NY and the evening division at Juilliard
7x Platinium recording and mixing engineer
Graduated from a music production/mixing & mastering program on September 5th, 2019. I dedicate my time to make sure that my clients are happy with my services. Worked with different artists from Zambia, Uganda, Kenya, Australia & Jamaica etc.
Electric or acoustic slide guitar to take your tracks to the next level.
Music Producer, Singer, Songwriter Working for Warner Chappell
¿Quieres una letra para tu próxima canción pop o urbana? Desde hace más de 10 años compongo instrumentales y letras de diversos géneros. En español. También ofrezco servicios de voz, mezcla y producción.
Recent Successes
"Andrew demonstrated his versatility and creativity on my project. It is very rare where a vocalist can really encapsulate your vision for the song like Andrew did w/o us being in the studio together - giving real time..."
"Attentive, patient and creative. Great producer / mixer and all round gentleman. All the while working through Hurricane Irma in Miami. Pleasure working with such a gifted musician. Recommended. "
"Very good to work with. Always answered questions and very good job at writing songs about the things you want it to be about"
"High quality and quick delivery. Thanks!"
"Jordan Grace is very professional. Great Singer! Great Vocals!! Thank you so much! Hope our release will be a huge one!! "
"Luigi è il migliore sotto ogni punto di vista: personale e professionale. Una persona squisita. appassionata del suo lavoro e soprattutto talentuoso! Luigi is the best from every point of view: personal and profess..."
"It was a pleasure to work with Darren. Everything worked well, fast and in a very professional way. Excited for our future projects!"
"Kimera, as always, completely blew me away. She exceeds my expectations every time we work together. She is extremely talented and I don’t think I want to work with any other vocalist!! "