Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Albums for the metal band Wrench
I have been working in the music buisness for over 40 years working with local artist to doing work for national touring artist, I've built a career by promising and delivering a quality mixing and mastering product that I am pround to put my name on!
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Hey everyone, I am a Singer/Songwriter based in Hongkong.
Mastering music goes far beyond making your record louder. It enhances the feel, focuses the sonics, and assures you that your record is ready for release!
Find Yourself
I'm a Singer, Songwriter & Topliner from Folkestone, UK. I've been Writing, Performing & Recording for Over 20 Years. I have had TOP 10 Chart Success, Radio & Club Plays, International Licence Deals & Written for TV, Film, Media & Major Brands. I love the Creative Process of Songwriting, Colaboration and Serving the Song! :)
Solicite una prueba gratuita. Entrega en aproximadamente 3-5 dĂas. Si tiene un proyecto que requiere servicios profesionales, me encantarĂa saber de usted, asĂ que pĂłngase en contacto a travĂ©s del formulario de contacto en este sitio con sus preguntas y detalles de su proyecto.
I’ve been around music my whole life I just love sounds. So it’s only right that I learned all of the key skills of being an independent artist.
Been singing in live bands for almost a decade, recorded many demos for artists, and ghost wrote for highly acclaimed singers
Mastering ITB Trap, R&B, Rock, Electronic and Urban Music.
Recent Successes
"If you are looking for a pro that really understands, at the first shot, your intention - Klaas is your answer. I am not a label but I certainly think he brought my track to commercial level, everything is just as ex..."
"Rudiger has a unique voice with some edge. It doesn't sound trained. His pitch is excellent and his delivery great as well. Thanks Devitt"
"Austin is a great engineer with an amazing ear for the sound. The best part? He will patiently work with you for every revision you request and help you reach the sound you need with great professionalism. "
"Awesome job ! Thank you so much for the result. Very attentive and give wise advice on a very professional rendering thank you ✨"
"Once again Márton gave me the exact performance and deliverables I asked for, executed to perfection. I requested delivery in 2-3 weeks and he completed the project in 24 hours! Thanks again, Márton."
"Very responsive, did a great job, highly recommended! Will work with him again."
"Alex is the drummer you want for quality drum sounds, amazing techniques and overall professionalism. i ve work on numerous project his played on! "