Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Aleph
Specializing in any genre of music, an engineer that actually cares about your identity and how that is communicated through sound.
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Hi there! My name is Jeroen Egge a.k.a. Yung Roen, an all-round studio professional based Amsterdam (NL). My main focus is producing and mixing guitar driven music, but I also enjoy working as a recording and mastering engineer and as session guitar & bass player. Feel free to contact me any time to help you achieve the sound you desire!
JP is one stop shop. There is no service that we cannot provide from pre to post production. We have various clients in a variety of genres and take pride in providing the best services.
I will take your project to the stratosphere. With over 12+ years of experience writing, producing, and mixing projects in various genres, I have the experience and the ear to bring out the best in my projects. I treat each project as a work of art. I will make sure every last detail is taken care of so we can create our masterpiece.
Johnny Hills Is a very well known songwriter and Mixing & Master Engineer in Toronto Canada. He Started His Career by songwriting for a bunch of artists around the city including Toronto's very well-known Levi Bent Lee. He Later wrote multiple Albums and EPs For Various Artists and has Accumulated over 20 Million Streams and has 10 years experience
Here to share the beauty of collaboration and music! After being accepted to Berklee College of Music and having numerous pianist surround me. I needed something to differentiate me from the rest. Therefore, I got myself a beautiful synth and was able to do magical things with it. Now I am joining this site to provide help with my distinct style.
I'm a Peruvian composer ,rapper, beatmaker and Producer with more than 10 years of experience in the Hip-Hop scene. I am a perfectionist and I give everything to my clients' projects. I am on this platform to help you young artist professionalize your sound at a reasonable price.
2 x Grammy winning engineer, 2 x Oscar and 2 x Emmy nominated engineer. I’ve been in the studio with the best there is: Prince, Justin Timberlake, Metallica, Morrissey, Audioslave, Ben Harper, Jimmy Cliff, John Mayer, Beck, Joe Cocker, Heart, John Legend, Keith Urban, Michael Buble,
Recent Successes
"My mix is so good, Fast QUALITY service, Spencer has his work ethic down to a science. It’s almost too fast to the point where you second guess yourself. Like how good can it sound, done so quickly? The proof is in ..."
"Another phenomenal project completed with Alex! He mastered 6 tracks for me in a very short period of time, and was able to accurately diagnose issues on one of my songs that even my producer wasn't aware of. Alex ..."
"Josh is the real deal! He was super quick and saw flaws that I didn't even realize were there. Im super happy with how the track came out. Im excited to work with him again. 5 Stars!"
"He immediately understood what I wanted and reproduced it in the best way! I absolutely recommend it to everyone (and he is very patient)"
"Very easy to work with and had good taste when it came to adding things the track needed if requested. The quality of his work is quite impressive and his service with communication, adjustments and requests were grea..."
"Excellent! He even added a recording for me!!! "
"I am always impressed by how much care and pride B4 takes with each project! He is amazing work with, always wants to make you sound as amazing possible and provides a wealth of knowledge that supports that goal. This..."
"Chris is a nice person and a professional musician! Working with him is easy and rewarding!"
"Ethan was pleasant to work with and friendly. It was nice knowing when working with Ethan that he was open to input and making modifications as needed. I am pleased with the final product! Ethan demonstrated an abili..."