Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Arnau Illa
I am a highly skilled music producer with six years of professional experience, dedicated to unlocking the full potential of each song to deliver the best outcome possible. I graduated with a Bachelors from the Academy of Contemporary Music.
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Rock oriented engineer/ musician
Mark Zubek of Zedd Records has written and produced records for Universal, Warner, BMG and Virgin, and has credits with Grammy artists including Betty Carter and multi-platinum Rob Wells (Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Adam Lambert)
Im a San Diego Based, Producing Artist. I Have a lot of Sauce to Bring to the Table. Tons of Delicate Work Gets Done Every Time I tour a MIDI. Browse my Tracks and Lets Work on Some Music.
Sam is a 25 year old song-writer from south London. Sam is a hardworking dedicated individual who eats, sleeps and breaths music and song-writing.
Send me a song and I’ll send it back better.
Producer/Songwriter/Engineer/Session Guitarist with over 6 years of experience. Worked with tons of independent artists over the years and helped them to achieve their visions. So lets work Togeother and get your songs sonically Perfect and ear Pleasing!
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Recording and Mixing Engineer specializing in both Studio and Live Sound. Based in Los Angeles.
Recent Successes
"Jenny is one special woman and highly talented. What makes it so pleasurable is her willingness to go the extra mile when necessary. Once again I got tremendous tracks which makes mixing this song so enjoyable!"
"He always helps me and I really apreciate it.He never compromise and I'm really 200% satsified with the result.So kind and easy to work with him.He is the man.Awesome!"
"I was blown away after hearing the first draft of my project. My reaction was “ WOW WOW WOW. ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT MATE!!!!! It's EXACTLY what I was hoping for. You've really brought it to life” Fab did just that. He t..."
"2nd Track with the famous G! I must say, after the awesome job on the first song, the expectations were a little higher...and exceeded! AGAIN. Very high level of production and sound design. His talent of adaption and..."
"The Man is on top of his game! Great Job on the mix and Mastering ( And alot of Patience too) getting ready to send more his way !"
"Another great job from Daniel. Wonderful ambient and acoustic guitars!"