Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with articolo31
My sound focuses on being able to deliver a round heavy sound to rock and deep sparkling sound to pop.
2+ Milion Spotify play for our music productions, we support all steps from lyrics to mastering, expert in pop, indie, reggae, world, electro. Working for Articolo 31, Municipale Balcanica, Chop Chop Band, Livio Minafra and many more artists.
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A Sharp Recording Studios, the oldest independent recording studio in Sydney has been completely renovated. Richard Lake, Steve James, Nathan Sheehy and Joe Sharratt; the team of producer engineers are making this recording studio one of the best in terms of results, working living environment, equipment and rates. Worth sending us a message...
I'm a critically acclaimed keyboardist who has played, written and arranged for multiple Grammy- and Oscar-winning artists and producers. I've been featured in Keyboard Magazine, and been privileged to record and tour with a wide array of incredible artists, including Marc Cohn, Joshua Radin and Toby Lightman. I look forward to working with you!
I work until you're over the moon! Guaranteeing you results that will make you look no further - I also provide clear communication throughout!
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Desert safari Sharjah is one the eminent tourism companies' operations all across UAE to provide luxury tourism facilities.
I can make any song for you amazing.
Been a pro drummer for 35 years, studio, live, theatre. Officially endorsed by Evans Heads & Promark Sticks
House Music Mixing and Mastering with 10 years of experience and top notch listening environment.
Recent Successes
"Incredible writer that will not disappoint. Davion gave me what I was looking for and more. He's a certified hit maker! Hit him up if you need a professional and talented songwriter."
"Jonas is a fantastic drummer!!! He will make your songs Rock!!! He worked on my entire album and more and every song rocks! I could have left a review for every song so multiply this review times 10!!!! "
"Great Communication! & quality work "
"This is like my 10th job with him. I believe he is a super talented musician, engineer and producer. He is so easy and sweet to work with. The quality of the songs are second to none."
"As always, absolutely great work on Mastering by Eric! Thanks a lot! "
"Again, William did a fantastic job! It was my second time working with him, and I am very happy with his great production, organization, and communication. "
"Tyree always delivers. "
"I worked with Daniel for many years now, and he never fails to deliver top notch guitars! He's one of the best in the game and a real gem here on soundbetter. It's amazing to be able to use a world class musician for ..."
"Working with Alex has been amazing! Although this was my first time going with a professional mix/master engineer, Alex was very involved and understanding, and we've been able to iterate quickly and efficiently over ..."