Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Atomnation Records
I'm a mix engineer, producer, artist, guitarist, and I co-run a leftfield electronic record label. I love working with both electronic and organic sounds alike, and have honed my production skills on a broad range of collaborative projects for more than 15 years. I'm experienced with developing artists, giving compositional and technical feedback.
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Hello, My name is Sherod H. McNealy. My motto is D.S.U.I.D, "Don't Stop Until Its Done." Trust my ears and you won't regret it!
Hi! I am songwriter, producer, multi instrumentalist, mixer working out of my studio, Fabriken Studios, based in Malmö, Sweden.
My specialty is Vocal-Editing.
Ing sonido tanto en estudio como sonido en vivo.
Young Producer that is trying to achieve his dreams. Strongly influenced by artists as Kanye West and Kendrick Lamar, but also by greats pop artists as Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Sapoma is making hip hop beats, going from using very experimental sounds for melodies to using very hard and punch Hip Hop drums.
We connect the world of music and business, we create music libraries that build an atmosphere suited to the company's image. Audiomarketing.
Your music will pump, the instruments will be juicy, the mixes will have depth
A guitarist for any requests. I have done many covers of songs as well as some production of my own. I have never collaborated that much so please be patient as I figure all this out. I will charge nothing unless your are 100% satisfied with your request. I look forward to the path that comes my way.
Recent Successes
"Top line Bass player, If your looking for a bass player to take your track to the highest level , then Ezequiel is your player, his professionalism is second to none and quality of work is of the highest quality. Than..."
"Nicholas is one of the beat we have worked with. His attention to detail and passion for making things sound the absolute best they could- lets just say it doesnt happen very much anymore in this business. Nicholas un..."
"Dan was great to work with. He has a very friendly attitude and provided me with a nice mix that was very well balanced. I highly recommend working with him."
"Kimera always give you a killer emotional performance- that’s all you need to know! She’s done 7 songs for me now - her performances make the songs sound and feel radio ready. And in this latest one we did, she unvei..."
"It’s been an awesome experience working with Daramola.I appreciated all the talent & diversity he brought to several tracks. I will be in touch to work again. ✌️"
"Returning costumer...Matt is the first mix engineer we've worked with on SoundBetter and we're coming back for a reason ! Matt is a joy to work with and always delivers pristine mixes ! Highly recommended "
"David was a great choice. He transformed my demo version into a quality pop song and included all my wishes and ideas. Even he was open to let me watch a session on a shared display. And finally he has a good heart an..."
"I know I am in good hands when Andres master my tracks. He has given me useful tips and acknowledgement for my mixes. And I confidently know that the end result will be fantastic. Crystal clear and warm masters, exact..."