Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Baltimore Son
I am a Vocalist Alto/MezzoSop, over 20 years experience, Audio Engineering and Live Sound Production
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If it makes noise I'll put a mic in front of it. If it needs music I will write some for it. If you need a producer and your songs need disciplining.. I am your answer.
Márcio Silva it’s a producer, musician and sound engineer (studio and live). He is working professionally in the music business for more than 15 Years. He mixed for most of the top Portuguese artist. Now, he want to extend his work.
I want to produce in a way that aids your song being used to worship! I have been producing worship tracks for the last 4 years and want to help you find the 'sound' inside you that makes your worship unique!
years of experience as a producer, beatmaker and mixing engineer.
I can make a professional , ready to release song for you in couple of days.
I'm a huge fan of international sounds and make music myself. I won't return a mix I wouldn't release on my own page--It's there forever!
I'm Simon, and I'm here to write and record country and blues! I've been a live touring and session guitarist for 10+ years. I'm partial to the bluesier side of things, and adept at writing riffs, rhythms and leads that compliment story telling songs.
Recent Successes
"Elaine is a brilliant singer. She's very available and professional to deliver the best of herself. The quality of her recordings in terms of tuning, accuracy and emotion is just perfect if you are looking for a great..."
"Mari is an absolute pro! She totally got the idea, felt the vibe and knocked it out the park for me just like she predicted. Also she was very patient, open minded and understanding during the process. First job for..."
"Luna is a great vocalist. Perfect if you want a little indie/alt edge and even venturing further left into experimental territory."
"beautiful themes"
"GREAT WORK! Very happy with the end resuts!"
"It is always great to work with Andres and his team. Great communication and results that go beyond expectations!"
"Phenomenal! I still am amazed that I can send over my version of a song, the lyricists version of the song, and Killian will take both versions and come up with a 3rd, unique, fully completed song that sounds amazing...."
"Jon is very kind and approaches client songs in a variety of ways. Thanks to that, I got a good result."
"Brandon is an outstanding professional. His creativity and dedication make him a go-to collaborator. Highly recommended!"