Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Binary Flux
Hi! I'm sound engineer from Poland. I work in a studio but also at live concerts. I can help your material to sound the best it can. Sample of my work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFzMDOnQLZ0 https://soundcloud.com/sebastian-krajewski-5/vinyl-theatre-dreamscape-mixed-and-mastered-by-sebastian-krajewski
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A Swiss army musician and singer/songwriter
Mastering - SoundDesign Also Producer, Beatmaker, Mixer.
I produce tracks and manipulate audio, I utilize Just Intonation and pure harmonic tuning systems for a more rich, stable, and resonant sound, I also incorporate various sound healing techniques and make use of specific frequencies to effect the listener's state of consciousness.
Every project I produce or mix has a different sound because each artist is different. I’m not a producer with a signature sound because it’s not about me.
Musician and producer under the name of s e r é n a t e. Lofi, chillbeats, dream pop, everything chill. Love doing Hip-hop as well, downtempo and house. Hit me up and we can talk about what you have un mind!
I offer mixing and mastering engineer specializing in Punk, Indie, Hardcore, Metal, Rock and related underground music. You're passionate about your music, and I'm passionate about helping to bring your vision to life.
Si estas buscando alguien que componga las melodías y escriba las letras de tus canciones de una forma diferente y original, que puedan causar un impacto en millones de personas, ponte en contacto conmigo y empecemos a trabajar. Te aseguro que si me contratas voy a crear para ti canciones tan buenas como las de cualquier artista del mundo.
I strive for excellence with every project I work on. My philosophy is simple: Mix with musicality, style, and science. Master with feel, love, and loudness, without ruining dynamics. I want to collaborate with artists who ask for the best sound possible. CREATIVITY AND LOVE IS INCLUDED IN EVERY GIG
Recent Successes
"This humble very talented gentleman is someone I will be grateful to all of my days. Together, we produced 44 tracks of tunes I’ve written over the years. Josh brought great musicians to add cello, violin, flute, pi..."
"Mark was a pleasure to work with. He has a very organic approach, has an effortless understanding of where the song needs to go and needs to be treated and the results are wonderful. Looking forward to working with Ma..."
"This is the second time that Yoed play the strings for me, the job is well done as before! His performance is highly recommended ."
"Fred ! It's been long time working with him . Absolutely amazing . "
"Dani's vocals are amazing. She took my melody and sang it like a pro. Fast turnaround with professional vocals are why I would recommend her for any project!"
"I am a continued collaborator with Andrew, not only did he help with the production and mixing for my projects, but also helped master the tracks and create backing tracks for live shows (all of which were amazing and..."