Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bonga
French percussionist proficient in Brazilian, African and Latin music. Also competent in jazz, pop, funk and more creative things like drumsets. Currently performing in Lion King at Theatre Mogador in Paris. Percussion coach at Disneyland Paris. www.jonathanedo.com I’d love to hear about your project. Click the ‘Contact’ button above to g
Ximbinha Mamede: Musician and Researcher, Graduated in Music from the Catholic University of Salvador Ximbinha Mamede, renowned musician and researcher, is pleased to announce his remarkable achievements in music and ethnomusicology. Graduated from the Music Institute of the Catholic University of Salvador, Ximbi
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Royal Carribean, Miami (United State Of America), I've played bass and double bass in the Jazz Band Allure Of The Seas and Oasis Of The Seas, Lusafrica, Paris. I've played Bass with several artists, Neuza, Ceuzany, Nancy Vieira, Élida Almeida, Bonga, General D, Dom Kikas, Xantoné Blacq(Amy Winehouse Keyboardist), Chullage, Costa Neto, Kussondulola.
I'm an artist and guitar recorder
Siyabonga Khumalo also known as Prince Devolution South African rapper and producer driven by passion and ambition to get to new heights with the music shared with the world 10 Years Producing and Writing music
I am majorly an Afrobeat music producer. I make music with native musical instruments, so that they sound live. I do not stop there. My sounds are mixed very well to allow the artiste's vocals sit properly in the beat. My beats are unique. That much must be said. I am very available for jobs.
Hip Hop/Trap Instrumentals / Scoring / Mixing and Mastering
Ximbinha Mamede: Musician and Researcher, Graduated in Music from the Catholic University of Salvador Ximbinha Mamede, renowned musician and researcher, is pleased to announce his remarkable achievements in music and ethnomusicology. Graduated from the Music Institute of the Catholic University of Salvador, Ximbi
Recent Successes
"Camilo was awesome to work with. I needed my track mastered to its max capacity and quality and he did just that. He also gave me some pointers to make my mix perfect before mastering. I will forsure be using him for ..."
"Chis brings such an incredible take to every song - truly incredible"
"Excellent singer and creative as Hellsworthington. Very impressive all the way. 100% Recommended."
"JacQuar 937 is the best I'm happy we got to work together. Gonna work together again"
"I call him Soundbetter king because he is helpful at giving you that international quality and the most professional service."
"Perfecto!! Shelley H is an MVP period. Yours Truly, The Housemen ( Orlando Garcia and Shareef Islam )"
"Gideon is talented and patient. He sent me both the mixed stems and organic stems. He also has good communication and is willing to cooperate with changes."
"Spiros has the voice I was looking for and is outstanding to work with!!! Looking forward to working with him on future songs and projects. Very timely in his deliveries and provides a high quality production."
"Stefano is great to work with and does an amazing job."